Convince Me! Persuasive Writing Intermediate Writing CCSS: 3/4/5.W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supports a point of view with reasons. Use.


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Presentation transcript:

Convince Me! Persuasive Writing Intermediate Writing CCSS: 3/4/5.W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supports a point of view with reasons. Use the Anchor Charts in a whole group lesson about fact and opinion. Tie this in to the process of writing persuasively. Discuss real world situations where this type of writing is needed. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD (click on slide to open in WORD for editing OR open separate TASK CARD DOC on the website) □ Anchor Chart (Fact and Opinion) □ Student Activity Cards (Blank set provided to add your own ideas!) □ Activity Sheet for student planning □ Rubric □ Technology Connection: Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.

Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.

Fact & Opinion Fact Something that can be proven Opinion How someone feels or things Giraffes are the tallest animals on Earth. Giraffes are funny-looking animals. NASA's space shuttle fleet included the Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour. Space shuttle travel is the best way in which to explore space.

Fact & Opinion Fact Something that can be proven Opinion How someone feels or things Giraffes are the tallest animals on Earth. Giraffes are funny-looking animals. NASA's space shuttle fleet included the Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour. Space shuttle travel is the best way in which to explore space.

You are running for the next President of the United States. Write a speech stating your opinions on different issues. Think about the last movie you went to see. Write a movie review and be prepared to share it with the class. There are many types of video games. Write about what types of games you feel your age group should be allowed to play. Be prepared to defend your choice. There is great responsibility with owning a pet. In your opinion, should all people be allowed to own a pet? Write a speech about this topic that tells your opinion. Some schools are moving to a year-round schedule. What is your opinion on this option? Write a speech to convince your principal or school board? A new homework policy is being adopted at your school. Write about your opinions on this topic. Many schools are adopting school uniforms. Think about the benefits and pitfalls to this option from a student’s viewpoint. Be prepared to share your ideas orally. Facebook is a popular way to communicate between people now-a-days. Write a paper about your opinion on whether students and teachers should friend each other. Donation centers allow people to recycle things they no longer need or use. Write a speech giving your opinion about the value of these centers.

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