Communicating & Connecting with Allied Health Professionals Elaine Hunter Allied Health Professions Consultant #AHPDementia
Inspire, Inform & Entertain 1. We can all be leaders 2. Engaging others we can accomplish amazing changes 3. Social media is a conversation
Allied Health – What? Who? Arts therapists – art, music, dance, drama Dieticians Occupational Therapists Orthoptists Paramedics Podiatrists Prothetists & Orthotists Physiotherapists Radiographers (diagnostic & therapuetic Speech and language therapists N = 12,000
What has shaped my leadership You cannot have leadership without at least three ingredients, a leader, a follower or co-leader and a shared endeavour. Take any one of these things away and leadership evaporates Hawkins & Smith 2006
1. Decide what type of leader you want to be New approach to leadership
1. Decide what type of leader you want to be Engaging Transformational Leadership
2. Have a Vision The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet Theodre M Hesburgh
3. Build a community of influence “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead
Sharing Success Stories
#AHPDementia “Helping people to live life their way”
#AHPDementia Commitment 4: We will commission Alzheimer Scotland to produce an evidence based policy document outlining the contributions of AHPs to ensuring implementation of the 8-pillar model
A new community of influence
Narratives & Stories Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today Robert McAfee Brown
#AHPDementia Conversation Workshop for 200 occupational therapy students #OTDementia Meeting with AHP Professional Bodies – COT, CSP, RCSLT Working with Building links with NDCAN Attended the Scottish Council for Radiography AGM & many others Developing engagement events next year
Digital Leader “Twitter is not a technology, it’s a conversation, and it’s happening with or without you” #quality
Digital Leader
Inspire, Inform & Entertain “What would you do tomorrow if you knew you could not fail?”