Meeting with the CCP 20th May 2010 David Bearfield, Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Meeting with the CCP 20th May 2010 David Bearfield, Director

Latest state of play and planning

2010 cycles 16th March 2010: successful launch of applications for the first annual cycle of AD candidates for a total of 323 laureates. Validated applications: Specialist competitions: first wave of 5 competitions launched on 29th April: Information Systems Security – INFOSEC, Librarianship/Information science, Competition Law, Industrial Economics and Audiovisual for a total of 72 laureates; Linguists cycles for Translators (DA, DE, EN, FR, SL) for a total of 192 laureates and Interpreters (BG, NL, EN, RO, SL) for a total of 98 laureates: July; Lawyer linguist competitions: 2 waves of competitions during 2010; Assistants: December.

Male/Female Ratio per competition

CBT – 2010 cycle AD cycle 4 tests: –Verbal and numerical reasoning –Abstract reasoning (NEW) –Situational judgement test (NEW) – non eliminatory –EU test removed –tests still in 2 nd language (EN, FR or DE) –capacity planned for candidates in 7 weeks (cca tested within 12 months in 2009!) –Test centre network has been expanded in EU + 5 WW locations (NY, Toronto, Sydney, Beijing, Genève) - Testing period : 6th April – 21st May

CBT – 2010 cycle cont. AD Linguists (July) –translators (DA, DE, EN, FR, SL) –interpreters (BG, RO, SL, EN, NL) -5 tests: in 1st language: VNR, AR (no SJT) in 2 nd and or 3 rd language 2 additional VR tests AST (December) –Professional skills tests –Some profiles in 1 st language (tests available in 23 languages) in between the cycles: CAST 2010 Specialists competitions

Combined registration/booking/testing – NEW approach

Other selection procedures Two waves of competitions for Lawyer-Linguists (for 12 languages) during for a maximum of 110 laureates. LanguagesTOTAL EN18 LT11 NL11First wave RO 12 DA 10 DE 8 PL10 BG 8 MT 8 Second wave HU 8 SL3 SV3 110 } }

Other selection procedures Linguists cycles for Translators (DA, DE, EN, FR, SL) for a total of 192 laureates: July

Other selection procedures Linguists cycles for Interpreters (BG, NL, EN, RO, SL) for a total of 98 laureates: July

Other selection procedures JRC competitions: 16 competitions: 8 fields at 2 levels (AD6-7) 32 fields; Publication: July or September; 2 dedicated Board Members accredited; Administrative support by HR Task Force; Assessment Centres from end 2010 until April- May 2011

CAST 2010: Two calls for expression of interest EPSO/CAST/01/2010 – Nursery nurse/Childcare worker FG II (puéricultrice) 75 posts –Educator/Childminder for after-school centres (éducatrice en garderies) FG II 65 posts

Two calls for expression of interest EPSO/CAST/02/2010 – Secretary FG II 500 posts – Financial assistant FG II 300 posts – Finance officer FG III 150 posts

EPSO/CAST/01/2010 crèches Testing – Registration/publication17/5 - 14/6 – CBT booking 27/5 - 23/6 – CBT testing (verbal+numerical) 08/6 - 09/7 – Results end July – Written tests (EU+Comp)September Recruitment – Laureates lists available October/November – Laureates eligible for an indefinite-duration (3A) contract

EPSO/CAST/02/2010 Sec/Fin Testing – Registration/publication17/5 - 14/6 – CBT booking 27/5 - 23/6 – CBT testing (verbal+numerical) 08/6 - 09/7 – Results end July Recruitment – Extended job interviews (Art 8.2.(b)) Testing professional competencies Testing (optionally) EU integration (motivation) – Laureates eligible for a contract up to 3 years (3B))

Strategic Planning 2010 Strategic Planning exercise for 2010 launched; Closing date for submission: 31st March 2010; To be followed by Working Group discussions. 2009: 1438 laureates recruited across the Institutions

Communication and Branding

EU Careers – A new brand

New Advertising

Raconteurs 12 volunteers. Across the Commission, Parliament and Council. Will blog on Facebook and tweet on Twitter. Will also attend EU Careers events across Europe.

Web 2.0 We are now using Facebook and Twitter. News on EU Careers and selection procedures. Raconteurs- Telling their story to attract young applicants.

« Brussels drive to recruit eurocrats gets brush-up » - Financial Times «EU revamps search for top talent - The European Commission says it is bringing EU recruitment into line with best practice in public administration worldwide » - BBC News « New EU exam to axe dreaded quiz on union trivia »

Selection Board members: Nomination Composition Planning

COMMISSIONCONSEIL Jurys Permanents par Institution 5 Admin 6 Admin5 Admin 5 CP 2 CP (?)

20 Membres NOMINATION - UN JURY PAR CYCLE EPSO/AD/177/10 - ADMINISTRATEURS (AD 5) CP / Admin - P (permanent) / NP (non permanent) PPP P P P P PPP NP PPP 1 Président 4 Back up Permanents P P P 5 Back up Admin 5 Back up CP CP ADMIN

EPA ECOLAWAUDITICT P P PNP 20 Membres Organisation (set up des jurys) par domaine EPSO/AD/177/10 - ADMINISTRATEURS (AD 5) AC1AC2AC3AC4AC5 NP P + 5 Back up Permanents P PNPP P P P P P P P 5 Back up Admin 5 Back up CP 1 Président ADMIN CP PP

EPA ECOLAWAUDITICT P P PCoA 20 Membres Organisation (set up des jurys) par domaine EPSO/AD/177/10 - ADMINISTRATEURS (AD 5) AC1AC2AC3AC4AC5 COM ADMIN CP P + 5 Back up Permanents P P Cons P EP COMEESC P PP COM EP ConsCoACOMEP P PConsCoJ PCOM P CoA 5 Back up Admin 5 Back up CP 1 Président P EP P

EPA ECOLAWAuditICTSPEC P PNP 26 Membres Organisation (set up des jurys) par domaine EPSO/AD/177/10 - ADMINISTRATEURS (AD 5) EPSO/AD/--/10 SPECIALISTES AC1AC2AC3AC4AC5AC6 NP P + 3 BACK UP Permanents P PP NPP P P P P P P 7 Back up Admin 7 Back up CP 2 Présidents NP P P ADMIN CP P

Biblio/Info Organisation (set up des jurys) par concours EPSO/AD/--/10 - Biblio/Info ADMIN CP + EP P P 2 Back up Admin 2 Back up CP 1 Président par concours EP CONS 6 membres EP