Curriculum Meeting Year 6 Welcome to the Dragonfly Class
Aims of Year 6: To develop their independence to help them become life-long learners. To help them with the transition to Secondary School. To help them develop morally, socially and personally. To encourage them to become skilled at managing their own time e.g. SATs papers To encourage them to be good role models to others and to take on roles and responsibilities around the school. To help them recognise their strengths and weaknesses in all curriculum areas and how they can improve.
Year 6 Roles & Responsibilities Head boy and head girl; deputy head boy and girl House captains – one boy and one girl from each house Librarians Tuck shop assistants Assembly prep ICT monitors Book shelf monitors Registers House plant monitors
We are very proud of our Year 6 pupils and as such have high expectations with regard to their: behaviour attitude effort presentation of work Please support us in promoting these. Expectations
Our topics this year: Term 1- Climate, adaptation & interdependence Term 2- Mountains Term 3- WWI Term 4- The works of William Shakespeare Term s & Any Warhol Term 6- tbc but with a focus on Geography skills
SATs Information: The SATs take place in May – wc 12 th May We will have a lunch time revision club starting after Christmas. The children will complete the following: Monday morning - 1 reading paper. Those who we feel are ready for the new level 6 paper will also sit this on Monday (afternoon). Tuesday morning SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and Grammar). Level 6 will be tested in the afternoon which also includes a writing task. Wednesday & Thursday – Maths (1 mental maths paper and 2 written papers). Level 6 consists of 2 more written papers but no additional mental maths test. Writing – this is assessed throughout the year and moderated. As a school, we also assess Science although this will not take place during the SATs week.
SATs continued Our weekly Big Writing sessions will be where the children will complete their pieces of writing for moderation. A range of text types – fiction and non- fiction will be covered I will endeavour to introduce the writing task the day before so that the children can think it over and mentally prepare the evening before. Each child will have an individual writing target so that they know what they need to work on to imrpove.
SATs results – National Expectations Level 4b is considered average nationally in both literacy and maths. Level 5 is above average. We will only enter children for the level 6 papers if they achieve level 5b in the February assessments, and are mature enough to be able to cope with the demands of the papers. We will support any children whom we enter for these higher level papers.
Literacy hand outs Grammar - glossary of terms that your children must know. Supporting Literacy – moving from Year 5 to 6 in reading and writing
Key mathematical calculation Methods: Refer to calculation policy on website for examples. Addition- Column Addition Subtraction- Column Subtraction Multiplication- Grid Method Division- Chunking Year 6 Maths targets hand out
Homework: Learning logs – two weeks to complete, one week to mark Education City Bug Club Times tables Spellings
Productions Year 6 class assembly in January They won’t be taking part in the Christmas productions. Instead they will be focussing more on their learning at this time. End of year production in July – when more time can be given to rehearsals
Year 6 Residential There will be a parents meeting about this after the SATs. Staff – myself and Mr Price
Other information Cycling Proficiency – November Sex education – end of school year. There will be a parents letter about this
Websites to help literacy and numeracy skills and for revision ?xml=/portal/2007/07/25/nosplit/ftpunc125. xml#2 ories.asp n_sat s.htm