Stars in fast cars: walking the red carpet of good practice with OERs in health and social care education Dr Megan Quentin-Baxter Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine #ukoer #porsche #actor #medev cc: by-nc By Maxi Walton ©2005
UK policy context HEFCE JISC/Academy OER programme Projects in health and social care Health and social care educational context Educational context Recommendations Attribution and disclaimer
UK HEFCE JISC/Academy OER programme Organising Open Educational Resources (OOER) [PHORUS – HSaP] Phase 1 OER project 250K - Apr 2009-Mar 2010 Investigated institutional practice, developed toolkits, disseminated widely 15 UK partners PORSCHE & ACTOR [SWAPBox – SWAP] Phase 2 OER projects £125K & £20K respectively Linking NHS and academic networks Disseminating through ‘clinical education’ programmes (training the trainers)
Educational context Health and social care education –Professional programmes leading to registration with the professional bodies –Education is a shared responsibility between academia and the health/social care sectors (NHS) –Education takes place in practice –Responsibility educating the educators (PG Certificate in Clinical Education) –Teachers employed by different organisations
OOER institutional policy recommendations That authors should ‘hallmark’ all their content with CC licences e.g. CC ‘by’ (attribution only) Consent everything-even where ownership and patient/non-patient rights appear clear, and store consent with resource Review institutional policies against good practice Include attribution and disclaimers in resources, and use resources from elsewhere professionally UK HE enters a dialogue with publishers to increase the potential for re-using upstream copyrights Have sophisticated‘take-down’policies
OER11 Symposium PORSCHE – NHS context and sharing across sectors ACTOR – disseminating good practice through UK Clinical Education programmes Consent Commons – emerging need for tools and principles to support people appearing in clinical recordings in OER Digital professionalism – mainstreaming professional attitudes and behaviours in UK UG curricula
Attribution and disclaimer This file is made available under a Creative Commons attribution share alike licenceCreative Commons attribution share alike licence To attribute author/s please include the phrase “cc: by-sa Megan Quentin-Baxter, May 2011, ” Users are free to link to, reuse and remix this material under the terms of the licence which stipulates that any derivatives must bear the same terms. Anyone with any concerns about the way in which any material appearing here has been linked to, used or remixed from elsewhere, please contact the author who will make reasonable endeavour to take down the original files within 10 working days.