Audiovisual Test in Progress. Milton Garcés 1, Claus Hetzer 1, Douglas Drob 2, Robert Woodward 3, Henry Bass 4, David McCormack 5, Läslo Evers 6, Michael.


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Presentation transcript:

Audiovisual Test in Progress

Milton Garcés 1, Claus Hetzer 1, Douglas Drob 2, Robert Woodward 3, Henry Bass 4, David McCormack 5, Läslo Evers 6, Michael Hedlin 7, Ludwik Liszka 8, John Olson 9, and Charles Wilson 9 University of Hawaii, Manoa 1, Naval Research Laboratory 2, Center for Monitoring Research 3, University of Mississippi 4, Geological Observatory of Canada 5, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute 6, University of California, San Diego 7, Swedish Institute of Space Physics 8, University of Alaska, Fairbanks 9 PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GROUND TRUTH DATABASE OF INFRASONIC EVENTS 2002 Infrasound Technology Workshop, Netherlands

CD Contents Starts with the subset of the Center for Monitoring Research (CMR) Ground-Truth Database corresponding to recent infrasonic events detected by two or more arrays Additional metadata as well as events known to have been recorded by more than one infrasonic array Global climatological grids supplied by NRL Open-source Tau9.1 Matlab software to read grids and trace rays Detector comparisons Relevant papers

Events List: CSS Schema

Event Metadata File benchmark pmcc results, explosion

Wind structure for the great circle path from April 23 source to IS59, Hawaii Wind structure for the great circle path from April 23 source to IS53, Alaska Global Grids

Tau9.1, with User’s Manual

Detector Comparisons (image files) PMCC, some FK, Infratool

Many thanks to all contributors!