Jon Rees – Cefas Marine Observations
WaveNet Developments SmartBuoy WaveNet Seabed Landers FerryBox Future Plans
Warp Anchorage Gabbard Dowsing (new) Celtic Seas AFBI & MI Galway Historic sites Integrated monitoring: chlorophyll from satellite, ship (RWS) and buoy SmartBuoy – operational network SmartBuoy – 5 with two new sites – AFBI and Celtic sea SmartBuoy measurements CTD, I (PAR) (1 and 2 m), Chl fluorescence, turbidity, O 2, nutrients, phytoplankton, SPM Daily averaged (< 1 h – daily) Surface and subsurface Satellite telemetry QA’d data – assessment to sensor POL COBS SmartBuoys Oyster Grounds joint UK/NL SmartBuoy Oyster Grounds joint UK/NL SmartBuoy site
Phytoplankton blooms – variability in timing, amplitude and duration SmartBuoy observations Nutrient conc. – short term and inter annual variability Chlorophyll (mg m -3 ) ToXN ( M) / Oxygen %
WaveNet Developments New wave height record for WaveNet DWR buoys – 11.4m
WaveNet on Google
WaveNet Outputs At Tyne/Tees, West Gabbard, Poole bay and Liverpool Bay
WaveNet Outputs Webhit statistics Weekly averaged web hits (upto 22 March 2009)
Seabed Lander - MiniLander At Sites north of Dogger, Suffolk coast (Sizewell), Severn (Hinkley)
Seabed Lander - MiniLander Long (4 months) uncalibrated Suspended time-series from Severn
Ferrybox on RV Endeavour Ferrybox – 4H Jena
Initial Results Modis Image courtesy of Ifremer
New WaveNet Locations Potential new buoys on Dogger, Eastern Irish Sea and around Wales