Caring for the carer—a resource package for carers of adults with newly diagnosed cancer
Disclaimer: This material is published by Queensland Health and Mater Misericordiae Health Services Brisbane Limited (Mater) with the intention of providing information of interest. It is not intended to be a substitute for specific professional or clinical advice. Information may contain or summarise the views of others, and not necessarily reflect the view of Queensland Health or Mater. Although Queensland Health and Mater endeavour to publish accurate information, there is no guarantee that this information is up-to-date, complete or correct, and it must not be relied upon without verification from an authoritative source. Queensland Health and Mater do not accept any liability incurred by use of or reliance on this information.
Group outline welcome introductions purpose of sessions structure group rules general housekeeping.
Contents Session one: information and effective communication Session two: feelings and relationships Session three: managing treatment side effects Session four: strength for caring—part one Session five: strength for caring—part two
Position vacant Job description No previous training required, you may be expected to ‘live in’ at place of work and provide cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, nursing, entertainment, transport, financial management, secretarial duties and emotional and psychological support, ability to function under stress desirable.
Position vacant Hours On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year Payment No remuneration. You may be eligible for an allowance or benefit from the State—criteria apply.
Position vacant Holidays No paid annual leave, no shifts. If holidays are taken you will still be expected to continue your usual duties only in different surroundings. Satisfaction Reward of knowing that you are helping someone you care about.
Position vacant Work hazards No occupational safety checks, probable decline in physical health and emotional well being, little personal time, social isolation, stress. Fringe benefits Sense of self esteem, learning new skills, meeting a wide range of people and developing new friendships.