Trade Agreement EU-Colombia/Peru European Commission DG Trade
Trade Agreement EU-Colombia/Peru Trade in Goods Market Access Agricultural Industrial and fisheries Rules of Origin SPS measures Non-Tariff Barriers Services and Investments Cross border trade Establishments Temporary presence of natural persons Movement of capital Horizontal Trade Defence Government Procurement Intellectual Property Competition Issues Trade Cooperation Dispute Settlement Trade and Sustainable Development
Human Rights Essential clause of the Agreement Possibility of termination of the Agreement, or its partial or complete suspension
Market Access for Trade in Goods Liberalisation Gradual and asymmetric Industrial and fisheries Full liberalisation Agricultural Significant liberalisation (beyond GSP) while providing for most sensitive products (TRQ, limited liberalisation)
Agriculture Liberalisation of key produce of interest Immediate liberalisation for coffee, flowers, palm oil and for the majority of fruits and vegetables by the EU Liberalisation for wines, spirits and olive oil by Colombia and Peru Elimination of export subsidies Agricultural safeguard For the most sensitive products (e.g. dairy sector)
Agriculture Tariff Rate Quotas EU (for COL) Sugar – t t annual increase Sugar Products – t + 600t annual increase Beef – 5.600t + 560t annual increase Colombia Dairy – with in-quota or extra-quota liberalisation Yogurt – 100t + 5t annual increase Sugar products – 6.667t + 200t annual increase
Agriculture Tariff Rate Quotas EU (for COL) Sugar – t + 660t annual increase Rice – t t annual increase Beef – 2.150t + 215t annual increase Perú Powder Milk – 3.000t + 300t annual increase Cheese – 2.500t + 250t annual increase Poultry – 3.750t + 375t annual increase
Agriculture Banana €124 in 2013 €75 in 2020 (WTO €132 in 2013 €114) Stabilisation Mechanism (trigger volumes)
Movement of Goods Product from Andean country free movement within EU Product from EU endeavour to avoid duplication of procedures and controls Apply most favourable customs procedures Benefit from harmonised procedures and standards
Rules of Origin "Wholly obtained" OR "sufficient working/processing" Some more flexible rules (for roasted coffee exports from the EU or for some textile exports from Colombia) Cumulation of Origin EU-Colombia-Peru With CA and other Andean countries Proof of Origin EUR.1 certificate (competent authority) Invoice declaration (by approved exporter or for consignments below EUR)
Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures Increased transparency and exchange of information Provide information on specific requirements (15 days) Inform of newly available scientific evidence Option to verify the control system of the other Party List of establishments meeting the requirements of the importing Party Technical Assistance to meet SPS standards
Non-Tariff Barriers Enhanced communication and cooperation technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment Increased transparency on new regulations 60 (preferably 90) days to comment Six months for entry into force Online publishing Provisions on labelling and marking Limiting permanent labelling
Services and Investments Liberalisation for cross border supply of services and for establishments National treatment Facilitating temporary presence of service suppliers Possibility of mutual recognition agreements Establishment of Enquiry Points Current Payment and Capital Movement Free movement, while allowing for specific safeguards
Trade Defence Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures Multilateral Safeguard Measures Bilateral Safeguard Clause Only during the transition period (t or t years) Duration: years
Government Procurement Access to procurements at central and sub- central levels details in Annex XII Transparent and impartial procedures same treatment for all entities, prohibition of offsets Some exceptions acquisition or rental of land, international cooperation, fiscal agencies and regulated financial institution, public employment contracts
Intellectual Property Rights Balance the rights of the IP holders with interest of the public Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Copyright, Designs and Patents Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge
Competition Banning all anticompetitive practices Cartels, abuse of dominance, restrictive agreements Includes all central and sub-central authorities Cooperation in enforcement activities Transparency on Subsidies
Trade Cooperation Technical Assistance and capacity building Strengthening of institutional and commercial capacity Promoting SMEs development
Dispute Settlement Based on transparency open hearings and amicus curiae briefs Clear sequencing no right to impose retaliation until non-compliance is verified Trade Committee Consultations arbitration Mediation Mechanism for non-tariff measures Mechanism for finding conciliatory and expeditious solutions
Trade and Sustainable Development Trade and Investment in promotion of decent work and environmental sustainability Commitment on effective implementation of core ILO standards and of multilateral environmental agreements Upholding levels of protection Civil Society involvement Domestic mechanisms and joint dialogue/consultations Government Consultations Group of Experts
Institutional Framework
Contacts Brussels Tomaz Gorisek Bogota Miriam Garcia Ferrer (Miriam.GARCIA- Lima Paul Bonnefoy Internet Export Helpdesk ( Market Access DataBase (