Agenda Examples of how we achieved integration using CIM based interfaces IEC : Interface Standard for Meter Reading and Control IEC : Specifies an implementation Profile for the application of the other parts
Demand Response Management System Used to facilitate reducing peak electricity demand on hot days PeakSaver Customers are notified about Demand Response Events Customers reduce their energy consumption and get rewarded CoolSaver Customers let Endeavour Energy switch their air conditioners, pool pumps, etc. to an agreed Demand Response mode (AS4755) on hot days Customers are rewarded for their participation
Systems integrated with DRMS OSB Operational Service Bus – A stateless ESB built using Java, Apache Camel and Apache ActiveMQ SOA Highly scalable and reliable No single point of failure MDM Meter Data Manager Manages and stores vast amounts of data received from smart metering systems Integrated with networks of Smart Meters Built using Java, Spring Integration, etc. Historian Stores large quantities of time series data and events received from thousands of assets Highly scalable, reliable and easily supports frequent writes No single point of failure RESTful services to post data, get data, check availabilities etc. Built using Scala, Apache Cassandra, JSON etc.
Scenario: DRMS sending End Device Control Request to MDM – CoolSaver Event
End Device Control Payload CIM’s EndDeviceControl XSD helped us accommodate all the attributes required in load control requests (i.e. PAN Demand Response requests) Request Type DR Mode NMI Appliance Type Reference: IEC61968 – Part 9
End Device Event Payload CIM’s EndDeviceEvent XSD helped us accommodate all the attributes required in an event generated to convey the outcome of a load control event Event type (e.g. DR Event started) NMI Reference: IEC61968 – Part 9
Scenario: DRMS requesting DRED Details from MDM
Customer Meter Dataset Payloads CIM’s GetCustomerMeterDataset XSD helped us accommodate the attribute required in requests: NMI Response attributes could be easily fit into CIM based CustomerMeterDataset payloads: DR Modes supported Appliance Type Meter numbers associated with NMI Reference: IEC61968 – Part 9
Common Message Envelope CIM’s Common Message Envelope helped in Wrapping payloads and adding information relating to security, identifier etc. in header Classifying messages as Request Response Event Fault Verb (e.g. create, created) to identify action Noun to identify subject Reference: IEC61968 Part 100
Scenario: MDM sending Meter Readings to Historian
MeterReadings Payload CIM’s MeterReadings XSD helped us accommodate all the attributes required: NMI Interval Reading Timestamp Reading Type Reference: IEC61968 – Part 9
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people (who made significant contributions in building the applications discussed and whose names are mentioned below in alphabetical order) for their excellent support and for their important inputs: Arnold deVos, Solutions Architect Chris Rowbotham, Technical Architect Janahan Seelan, Senior Developer Phillip McCarley, Senior Developer Rahul Reddy, Team Leader
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people (whose names are mentioned below in alphabetical order) for giving me this opportunity to present in this webinar and for their encouragement and support: Arnold deVos, Solutions Architect, Langdale Consultants Chris Rowbotham, Technical Architect, Langdale Consultants Frank Maio, IT Planner, Operations Systems, ElectraNet Greg Rozmus, Director, QSOL Karin Rodrigues, Manager IT Operations Grid Modelling, AEMO
Thank you!