WELCOME TO ENDEAVOUR ELEMENTARY PARENTS AS PARTNERS MATH NIGHT Mrs. J Endeavour Elementary Priority Skills STEM: Science, technology, Engineering, Math Math Probes: Math test given by each grade level school wide 1 st - 6 th teachers Overview of math concepts taught Math vocabulary Which concept is most difficult for students? Mrs. Yancey Math Guides Parent roadmaps Breakouts See strategies and learning activities in action 5 th & 6 th – Starburst Galaxy 3 rd & 4 th Whirlpool Galaxy 1 st & 2 nd Sombrero Galaxy
PRIORITY SKILLS AT ENDEAVOUR The following are what we need your child to be able to do by the end of the school year. You can help at home and check his/her progress as the year goes. If your child can do this earlier than the end of the year that is Wonderful! The mastery of these skills will help your child do well on the End- of-Level tests and be ready for the next year.
Kindergarten Count to 100 by ones and tens Model with manipulatives, basic addition and subtraction to 10 First Grade Add 27 basic facts (0-9) in two minutes Subtract 20 basic facts (0-9) in two minutes Second Grade Add 32 basic facts (0-20) in two minutes Subtract 25 basic facts (0-20) in two minutes Third Grade Add 37 basic facts (0-20) in two minutes Subtract 30 basic facts (0-20) in two minutes Multiply 37 basic facts in 2 min. (up to 10x10) Fourth Grade Multiply 35 basic facts in 2 minutes (up to 12x12) Divide 35 basic facts in 2 minutes Fifth Grade Multiply 60 basic facts in 2 minutes Divide 50 basic facts in 2 minutes Sixth Grade Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimals with 80% accuracy
NASA workshop STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
MATH PROBES A math test given by each grade level school wide
PLANNING COMMITTEE Chair Allison Yancey – 4 th grade Christine Elegante – 1 st grade Kristina Brown - 2 nd grade 3 rd grade-Kathy Ritchie Kali Blanchard – 5 th grade 6 th grade – Nicole Rudes Beth Johnston & Lisa Brown
FIRST GRADE MATH TARGETS BY MRS. ELEGANTE Composing and decomposing shapes and numbers Combinations to 10Missing Addends Ordering Objects by length Commutative Property Inverse relationships Telling time to the hour and half hour Place Value: Ones and tens Adding and subtracting: Double- digit Comparisons of numbers Read, count, write numbers to 120 One of our concepts that we see many students struggle with is adding and subtracting. We teach many strategies like counting on and making a ten to help students master their facts.
SECOND GRADE BY MS. KRISTI Term 1 Place Value Addition/ Subtraction Facts to 20 Odd and Even Term 2 Graphing Money Addition with Regrouping Term 3 Time Subtraction with Regrouping Measurement Term 4 Shapes Arrays Fractions Areas with Common Misconceptions or Difficulties: Subtraction with Regrouping
THIRD GRADE BY MRS. RITCHIE P lace value to the thousand's place A ddition and subtraction with regrouping M odeling and mastering multiplication and division facts to 100 U nderstanding simple fractions as numbers C alculate time, volume, mass, area and perimeter R epresent and interpret data U nderstand shapes and their attributes
FOURTH GRADE BY MRS. YANCEY In 4 th Grade students: add and subtract numbers through 1 million solve multi-step word problems including measurement problems multiply and divide multi-digit numbers using many strategies extend understanding of fractions create equal fractions add/subtract fractions with the same denominator multiply fractions by whole numbers compare fractions with different numerators and denominators Students particularly struggle with multi-digit division and comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators.
FIFTH GRADE BY MRS. BLANCHARD Fifth Grade Math Priority Skills 1. Multiplication: Students will complete 60 correct digits on a 2-minute timed probe (test). 2. Division: Students will complete 50 correct division problems on a 2-minute timed probe. Fifth Grade Math DESK Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Write and interpret numerical expressions, analyze patterns/relationships. Number and Operations in Base Ten: understand place value system; perform operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) with whole numbers. Number and Operations Fractions: Perform operations with fractions. Measurement and Data: Convert unit measurements, understand concepts of volume, represent/interpret data. Geometry: Graph points on a coordinate plane, classify 2-dimensional figures. How Can Parents Help? Help your students achieve both priority skills. Many Fifth Graders struggle to pass their division probe. Being fluent in these skills will help students achieve the DESK Standards.
SIXTH GRADE BY MRS. RUDES Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages: Understanding that they all relate to the same part- whole relationship Rational Numbers and Integers: Relating negative numbers to well known mathematics Expressions and Equations: The use of variables in mathematics 3- Dimensional Figures: Finding Volume, Surface Area, and Decomposing a Figure Data Distribution and Analysis: Using Data to Understand Results. Area of Concern: Fractions with Mixed Numbers
BREAK OUT SESSIONS See strategies and learning activities in action 5 th & 6 th – Starburst Galaxy 3 rd & 4 th Whirlpool Galaxy 1 st & 2 nd Sombrero Galaxy