Biology Webinar 2014/##### © 2014 School Curriculum and Standards Authority
How has the content changed? Adopted from the Australian Curriculum Three interrelated strands: Science Inquiry Skills, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Understanding Structure of the course (rationale, aims, unit structure, unit description, unit learning outcomes) Science Inquiry Skills Adapted from the Australian Curriculum Science Understanding Science as a Human Endeavour
ATAR Biology content ATAR Biology WACE Course Unit 1: Ecosystems and biodiversity Ecosystems: biodiversity and sustainability (all WACE units) Unit 2: From single cells to multicellular organisms The functioning organism (Units 2A and 3A) Unit 3: Continuity of species Continuity of species (Units 2B and 3B) Unit 4: Surviving in a changing environment The functioning organism (Unit 3A) No match for ‘Infectious disease’
How has assessment changed? Investigation title changed to Science Inquiry for consistency with the syllabus content o Science inquiry: practical o Science inquiry: investigation. Tests and examinations separated as types of assessment. Assessment type weightings are a fixed percentage rather than a range. Refined descriptions
Year 11 ATAR Assessment table New for 2015/16 Existing (Stage 2) TypeWeightingTypeWeighting Science inquiry30%Investigation20-30% Extended response 10% Extended response 20-30% Test20%Tests and exams40-60% Examination40%
Year 12 ATAR Assessment table New for 2015/16 Existing (Stage 3) TypeWeightingTypeWeighting Science inquiry20%Investigation20-30% Extended response 10% Extended response 20-30% Test20%Tests and exams40-60% Examination50%
How have examinations changed? Examination sectionATAR CourseCurrent WACE Stage 3 One (multiple choice) 30% 30 questions 30% 30 questions Two (short answer) 50% 4-6 questions 50% 4-6 questions Three (extended answer) 20% Unit 3: One question from a choice of two Unit 4: One question from a choice of two 20% Part A: Two questions from a choice of three Part B: Two questions from a choice of three
BIOLOGY General Course
How has the content changed? Three interrelated strands: Science Inquiry Skills, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Understanding The Science Inquiry Skills continue from the Year 7-10 AC Science Inquiry Skills and provide continuity for students Statements broadly correspond to content in Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the WACE course A practical emphasis in teaching the content
General Biology content GENERAL Biology WACE course Unit 1: Classification and cell processes Ecosystems: biodiversity and sustainability (Units 1A & 2A) The functioning organism (Units 1A & 2A) Unit 2: Solving problems to surviveThe functioning organism (Units 1B & 2A) Unit 3: Reproduction and inheritanceContinuity of species (Units 1B & 2B) Unit 4: Ecosystems and eco-issues Ecosystems: biodiversity and sustainability (Units 1A, 1B, 2A & 2 B)
How has assessment changed? Investigation title changed to Science Inquiry for consistency with the syllabus content o Science inquiry: practical o Science inquiry: investigation. Tests and examinations replaced by Tests Externally set task added in Year 12 Assessment type weightings are a fixed percentage rather than a range. Refined descriptions
Year 11 General Biology Assessment table New for 2015/16 Existing (Stage 1) TypeWeightingTypeWeighting Science inquiry40%Investigation30-40% Extended response 20% Extended response 30-50% Test40%Tests and exams20-40%
Year 12 General Biology Assessment table New for 2015/16 Existing (Stage 2) TypeWeightingTypeWeighting Science inquiry30%Investigation20-30% Extended response 20% Extended response 20-30% Test35%Tests and exams40-60% Externally set task15%
What is the role of the EST? Purpose - An Externally Set Task (EST) process will be introduced for General courses at Year 12. The task will be used for consensus moderation purposes. On a rotation basis, schools will be required to submit marks and a sample of scripts to the Authority for validation of marks. These processes will inform moderation visits the following year. Administration – the task will be approximately 60 minutes in duration and be completed individually by students under test conditions. Sample - available on the website
SCSA support materials available A range of support materials can be found on the Authority’s website: Sample examination Sample EST Year 11 support materials will be released later in 2014 Sample course outline Sample assessment outline Sample assessment tasks (one for each assessment type) Year 12 support materials will be released in 2015
Other support Systems and sectors Nolene Harris Principal Consultant – Curriculum, Biology Ph: (08)