Luciano Floridi Research Chair in Philosophy of Information UNESCO Chair in Information and Computer Ethics University of Hertfordshire Faculty of Philosophy & Department of Computer Science University of Oxford THE ONLIFE INITIATIVE: TWO IDEAS
TWO OUT OF FOUR IDEAS AND PI Reality Infosphere Reality Infosphere Agents Inforgs Agents Inforgs TIME Hyperhistory TIME Hyperhistory SPACE Envelop SPACE Envelop
Enveloping the world without fully realising it. Today the world adapts to AI (smart technologies) limited capacities increasingly well. ENVELOPING THE WORLD: THE BASIC IDEA
Past: enveloping a stand-alone phenomenon, like a dishwasher or industrial buildings. Past: enveloping a stand-alone phenomenon, like a dishwasher or industrial buildings. Future: enveloping the environment as an ICT-friendly infosphere. Future: enveloping the environment as an ICT-friendly infosphere. ENVELOPING THE WORLD: LIVING ONLIFE
Ca. 18% of EU population used a laptop to access the internet, via wireless away from home or work. ENVELOPING THE WORLD: SOME EVIDENCE
Robust, cumulative, progressively refining trend. ENVELOPING THE WORLD: THE TREND
Nanotechnology, the Internet of Things. Web 2.0, Semantic Web, Cloud computing. Microsoft Kinect (Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation). Augmented reality (advertisement, entertainment). Nanotechnology, the Internet of Things. Web 2.0, Semantic Web, Cloud computing. Microsoft Kinect (Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation). Augmented reality (advertisement, entertainment). ENVELOPING THE WORLD: THE BASIC IDEA
Inside the computer Back inside Outside the computer ENVELOPING THE WORLD: A CONSEQUENCE
TWO OUT OF FOUR IDEAS AND PI Reality Infosphere Reality Infosphere Agents Inforgs Agents Inforgs TIME Hyperhistory TIME Hyperhistory SPACE Envelop SPACE Envelop
No ICTs Individual and social well-being independent of ICT Individual and social well-being dependent on ICT FROM HISTORY TO HYPERHISTORY
THE POLITICAL PROBLEM The Peace of Westphalia (1648). End of the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War. New system of political order in Europe: sovereign states (physical and legal space overlap) governed by sovereigns, who control the physical force. No post-Westphalian order yet. Uncertainty about MAS’ interactions and conflicts. Wide phenomenon: empowering of non-State organisations (corporations, NGOs), and the economic vs. social control of politics (Occupy movement).
THE POLITICAL PROBLEM (SOCIAL APOPTOSIS) Information Societies are global Nation States rely on ICT = Information Societies Global challenges require “big” political agents Information Societies empower information MAS Information MAS become the new political agents Nation States are (were) THE information agents
FROM THE POLITICAL TO THE DESIGN PROBLEM States become Information Societies which empower a variety of new MASs which transform centralised Government into distributed Governance.
FROM THE POLITICAL TO THE DESIGN PROBLEM No “end of history” but hyperhistory: modern politics based on Sovereign States (Westphalian system) and Universal Human Rights (Enlightenment) is insufficient.
FROM THE POLITICAL TO THE DESIGN PROBLEM In hyperhistory the question becomes: how can we design the right MASs (including Sovereign States but not only them)?
Luciano Floridi THANK YOU! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to Juan Carlos De Martin, Ugo Pagallo, Nadia Tecco, NEXA, and all the people who made the meeting possible. This research is part of the project “The Onlife Initiative – Concept Reengineering Exercise: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition”, funded by the EU Commission. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Texts, marks, logos, names, graphics, images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, audio clips, video clips, and software copyrighted by their respective owners are used on these slides for non-commercial, educational and personal purposes only. Use of any copyrighted material is not authorized without the written consent of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to respect the copyrights of other parties. If you believe that your copyright has been misused, please direct your correspondence to: stating your position and I shall endeavour to correct any misuse as early as possible. THE ONLIFE INITIATIVE: TWO IDEAS