WHAT IS CONTINUOUS COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION ? It is a process to provide holistic profile of the learner through regular assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic domains of developments like- Knowledge Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating The Scheme focus on all round development of personality of learner.
FEATURES OF CCE Continuous means- The term continuous means that the assessment is completely integrated with the teaching- learning process. It focus on regularity and continuity in assessment. The term also refers to diagnosis of learning gaps and providing remedial measures to enhance levels of learning
Comprehensive means- ‘ that the scheme attempts to cover both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of the students’ growth and development. Scholastic Academic Subject Specific Areas English, Hindi/French/Malayalam (for class VI), Math, Science, Social Studies & 3 rd Language (for VI-VIII) Co-Scholastic Life Skills, Attitudes & Values and Other Co Curricular Activities (Art/Music/Dance, Work Exp. & PHE )
Each year is divided in two terms Each term to have two Formative Assessments (FA)& one Summative Assessment(SA) in Scholastic Subject areas Term I April to September FA (1) 10% FA (2) 10% SA (1) 30% Term 2 October to March October to March FA (3) 10% FA (4) 10% SA (2) 30%
April – May June- August Sept Oct – Dec Jan- Feb MarchFA1FA2SA1FA3FA4SA2 10%10%30%10%10%30% Total marks in SA-1 & SA-2 - at least 25% compulsory for promotion to next class
Scholastic Formative Assessment (FA) It is a process based assessment used by the teacher to continuously monitor student’s progress in a supportive environment. It is diagnostic and remedial. It involves the students in their own learning. It provides effective feedback to the students and teachers for remedial interventions.
Tools & Techniques for FA Oral Questions Assignments Research Work (group) Quizzes Conversation Skills Class Work/ Home Work Projects Short tests Observation Checklist Portfolio Anecdotal records Photographs/ Videos Paintings/ Artistic Endeavour Essays Self Assessment Peer Assessment Rating Scales Narrative Reports
INDIAN SCHOOL AL WADI AL KABIR STRUCTURE & DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS VI - X : F A Written TestActivity-1Activity-2Activity-3Activity-4 Average of Written test+ best 2 out of 4 Activities F.A.110 Out of 10 F.A.210 Out of 10 F.A.310 Out of 10 F.A.410(PSA)10 Out of 10
Scholastic Summative Assessment(SA) It is a product based assessment carried out at the end of the course of instruction. It is a product based assessment carried out at the end of the course of instruction. It is a pen & paper test for a duration of 3 hours. It is a pen & paper test for a duration of 3 hours. It measures that how much a student has learnt. It measures that how much a student has learnt. It is usually used for certification purpose. It is usually used for certification purpose. SA question paper includes VSA; SA; LA; HOTS Questions ; VALUE BASED Questions ; & Open Text Based Assessments (OTBA). SA question paper includes VSA; SA; LA; HOTS Questions ; VALUE BASED Questions ; & Open Text Based Assessments (OTBA).
Grading System for Scholastic Areas Marks Range Grade Grade Point A A B B C C D E E2
CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS LIFE SKILLS THINKING Self Awareness, Problem Solving Decision Making Critical and Creative Thinking SOCIAL Interpersonal Relationships, Effective Communication Empathy EMOTIONAL Managing Emotions Dealing with Stress
Towards Teachers Towards school mates Towards School Programmes Towards Environment Value Systems ATTITUDES AND VALUES
PART-3 CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS PARTICIPATION/ACHIEVEMENT Literary, Creative, Scientific & Mathematics Skills Work Education (Comp Sc) Health & Physical Education CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS Visual and Performing Arts(Art/Dance/Music)
LITERARY AND CREATIVE SKILLS Debate Creative Writing Recitation Essay writing Poster – Making Slogan Writing Declamation
SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Science Lab Activities Projects Math Lab Activi ties Scie nce Quiz Science & Math Exhibition Olymp iads
GradeGrade point Range Grade Point A B C D E
GENERAL POINTS 1.School Uniform. 2.Discipline(Hair style; Shoes; Bringing Fancy Items). 3.Reporting to School in time. 4.Taking care of School Properties. 5.Bringing School Calendar regularly & Communication b/w School & House. 6.Making use of School Website.
Class IX and X Malayalam text books: Class IX text books are Kerala pathavali and Atisthanapathavali of class IX Supplementary book Thejaswiyayavagmi Class X main text books are Kerala pathavali Atisthanapathavali of class X Supplementary book is Mruthasanjeevani
This year’s Malayalam FA for class IX and X are: FA-1: word game, examples and non examples, class work and home work. FA-2: jeopardy, asking 10 questions, worksheet, class work and home work. FA-3: one project based on lesson, reading comprehension, class work and home work. FA-4: translation or character sketch writing, spell check, worksheet, class work and home work.
CLASS VI CLASS VI(2 nd language Malayalam) Malayalam text book is Malayalapadavali FA-1: picture game; letter game; class work and home work. FA-2: examples and non examples; chart making; class work and home work. FA-3: poem recitation; spell check; class work and home work. FA-4: reading comprehension, story telling, worksheet, class work and home work.