The new SEND Code of Practice 0-25 Years What does this mean?
New areas of need Social, Emotional and Mental Sensory/Physical Communication Cognitive
Statements All to be replaced by an EHC Plan S becomes an E on INTEGRIS coding 3 years to change over existing Statements (Conversions) Transition years are a priority
M/SA/SA+ Register to be scrutinised M/SA/SA+ To be amalgamated and replaced with “SEN support” or “K” on INTEGRIS We still need to differentiate as a school!
MEPS MEP requirement replaced with Assess/Plan/Do/Review – see examples Still needs to be reviewed termly More emphasis on teacher to carry out cycle SMART and relevant targets
Implications for schools Must meet their Equality Act duty for pupils with disabilities Must use their best endeavour to meet pupil’s SEN (Stage on register) Must keep parents informed when SEN support is given and involve them in reviews of progress Must admit a pupil when the school is named in a EHC Plan Must co-operate with the LA in developing a local offer Must produce and publish online a School SEN information report Must have regard to the new 0-25 SEND Code of Practice
The Local Offer
What is the Local Offer? Social, educational, health and social care provision for young people with SEND Details of how parents/young people can request an EHC Plan assessment Arrangements for identifying and assessing SEN Childcare and leisure activities Other educational provision for Post 16 e.g. apprenticeships Transition support between phases Sources of information, advice and support Information about the First-Tier tribunal (SEN and disability) Independent schools and specialist colleges