COMM 226 Database and content management Chitu Okoli Associate Professor in Business Technology Management John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montréal 1
What is content? Content is related to intellectual property –a form of creative endeavour that can be protected through a trademark, patent, copyright, industrial design, or integrated circuit topography Varies by industry Organizations may store data, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, web pages, text from blogs, Twitter, or discussion boards, graphics, video files and video logs, audio files, etc.
What Is the purpose of a database? A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records A database keeps track of things Many professionals use spreadsheets Spreadsheets –Keep lists of single concepts Databases –Keep lists that involve multiple themes
Why use a database instead of a spreadsheet? 4
Spreadsheet (not a database) 5 Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian EditionInformation Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian Edition, by Jessup, Valacich, and Wade, Prentice Hall, ISBN
Normalized database 6 Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian EditionInformation Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian Edition, by Jessup, Valacich, and Wade, Prentice Hall, ISBN
Components of a Database Database is a collection of tables plus relationships among the rows in those tables plus metadata –describes the structure of the database
Hierarchy of Data Elements
File Organization Terminology Bit: Binary digiIT (0 or 1) Byte: 8 bits, representing a character (A-Z, etc.) Field/Attribute: group of characters representing a characteristic Record: group of related fields, each of which describes a single entity (a person, place, thing, event) File/table: group of related records Database: group of related files/tables 9 Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian EditionInformation Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian Edition, by Jessup, Valacich, and Wade, Prentice Hall, ISBN
Metadata Databases are self-describing –Collection of integrated records –Contains, within itself, a description of its contents Metadata –Data that describe data –Makes databases more useful than spreadsheets –Makes databases easier to use
Components of a Database Application System Database –Collection of files that actually store and organize the data Database Management System (DBMS) –Software that manipulates (create, read, edit, delete) data in the database (e.g. Microsoft Access, Oracle database) –The DBMS and database can be distinct (e.g. Oracle database vs. Oracle SQL Developer), but they are often combined in one system (e.g. Microsoft Access) Database application –Any software that connects to a database (e.g. SAP)
Relationships Among Records Values in one table may relate to rows in other table(s) Keys (normally called “primary keys”) –Column(s) that identify unique row in table –Each table has a key Foreign keys –Keys in a different table than the one in which they reside Relational database –Databases using tables, keys, and foreign keys
Example of Relationships among Rows
Forms, Reports, and Queries Form –Used to create, edit and delete data (it also needs to read the data to be able to modify it) Report –Used to display data in specified structured format –Only reads data; never modifies any data Query –A database command from the user to the database –Usually used to get answers from database data (read-only) –Also used to modify data
Sources Most of the slides are adapted from COMM 226 Business Technology Management by David M. Kroenke, Andrew Gemino, Peter Tingling, and Earl H. McKinney, Jr. 2nd Custom Edition for Concordia University (2014) published by Pearson Canada. ISBN 13: Some slides and images are taken from Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian Edition, by Jessup, Valacich, and Wade, Prentice Hall, ISBN Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters – 2nd Canadian Edition Other sources are noted on the slides themselves 15