1.What is the temperature where planes fly ? 2.What is the air pressure where planes fly ? 3.When do wings no longer work ? 4.How high can I fly ? 5.When.


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Presentation transcript:

1.What is the temperature where planes fly ? 2.What is the air pressure where planes fly ? 3.When do wings no longer work ? 4.How high can I fly ? 5.When do (air breathing) engines stop working ? 6.Where does the air end ? 7.Where does space begin ? 8.What is the difference between Sub-Orbital Space Flight vs Orbital Space Flight Earth’s Atmosphere When we go into space, we must first climb through and out of Earth’s atmosphere. This is not easy to do. Several times during past discussions, there were questions about the Earth’s atmosphere. Questions like, “Why can’t we fly there ?” The following chart presents a simple picture of what the atmosphere pressure and temperature is like at various altitudes. It will help us understand why it is not so easy to get into space. We can only fly partway there, then the air gets too thin. S. Akerley 2011

Atmosphere Earth’s Atmosphere as seen from space by Endeavour Photo Courtesy of NASA S. Akerley 2011