Malta ’ s Rural Development Programme, Professor Janet Dwyer CCRI, UK, working in partnership with EMCS, E-cubed, and the Managing Authority for Malta
Priorities for Maltese agriculture and rural areas Build upon strengths – distinctive character, wide diversity of products, significant consumer potential in Maltese and visitor markets, a quality, healthy image, not high-volume or ‘cut-price’ output Develop opportunities – for key sectors, working together, improving returns, cutting costs and building a stronger image and reputation for product quality, stronger supply chains, better links to tourism, better joined-up management of land and permits / licences Address weaknesses and threats: pressure on basic resources (water, energy), authenticity, low consumer awareness, technical / business skills, poor prospects for young people, neglected landscapes, poor infrastructure
RDP Priority 1. Water, wastes and energy (€19 million) Set up a ‘rural knowledge hub’ of training and advice for land-based farms, grants for equipment, improving efficiency of fertiliser, pesticides, water and energy use, cutting costs TSE polished water supply to farms Farm reservoirs to capture and store rainwater Livestock waste for energy, and fertiliser – collective biogas production Support for other renewable energy production on farms – but it must be attractive, appropriate and accessible: plan a co-ordinated approach with MEPA, EneMalta & MRA
2. Maltese quality produce (€27 million) Traceability and quality new strategic groups of producers (co-operatives, PGs) working to agree what is needed funding to set up quality standards (e.g. PDO/PGI) Pitkalija project phase 2 testing & laboratory services, grading, packing & distribution
2. Maltese quality produce (€27 million) Marketing and promotion a ‘Maltese Alliance’ for product identity, funding promotion & brands new links to retail / catering and hospitality, direct sales e.g. expand farmers markets, improve market information / data for producers Product innovation and adding value aid for processing, washing, cold stores, cutting & curing, new product research business development / young farmers start-up aid
3. Sustainable livestock (€18 million) Improve production efficiency - help sector co-ops to provide expert advice to producers: save costs, better performance, targeted investment Encourage co-operation- sheep & goats, rabbits & poultry Improve breeding, disease & veterinary support - fund research, consultancy, mentoring, visits abroad, demonstrations, training Enhance quality & value of Maltese forage - Fund a network for good practice (e.g. Gozitan dairy sector), exchange visits, advice and experiments Encourage closer working with land-based sector, to co-ordinate production and consumption of forage Young farmers start-up aid
4. Landscape and environment (€37 million) Set up local area management groups (public-private partnerships between councils, farmers, MEPA, NGOs) - funding to appoint project officers, develop management plans, work with farmers to help them access RDP Co-ordinate RDP actions in each area Agri-environment funding for bees, trees and landscape restoration (rubble walls, terraces, garigue and maquis) Courses and events – build local knowledge Less Favoured Area payments available to all those managing land, to help keep it farmed
5. Wider rural economy & quality of life (€24 million) Tourism - a strategic plan with MTA - key infrastructure & development projects in rural locations (e.g. rural roads) - new farm tourism funds A clear and distinct role for Malta’s 3 LEADER local action groups micro-business support to set- up and grow training and exchange visits to improve quality funding new enterprises (crafts, shops, trails) market research & product development local interpretation (improving facilities, new events)
Additional measures to help with access to funds (€11million) ‘Financial Engineering’: low-interest loans or loan guarantees to help match-funding for investment grants A risk management fund to pay compensation when crops or stock damaged by unforeseen, extreme events (hailstorms, disease epidemics) ‘Technical assistance’ to help applicants to design good projects and apply for support