Leading Australian Curriculum: Science Day 2
Australian Curriculum CONSIDERATIONS FROM DAY 1 In your journal reflect on the following question: What questions do you still have that need clarification after Day 1?
Australian Curriculum PHYSICAL SCIENCE What are the key concepts for Physical Science? Revisit the content structure and identify the key messages in Physical science Placemat Individually write in your section a response to the question In your group share your responses and then come to a consensus on the key concepts for Physical Science Share with the whole group – call out and write responses on whiteboard DEBRIEF
Australian Curriculum PHYSICAL SCIENCE Energy Energy appears in different forms and can be transferred and transformed Transfers and transformations within a system usually result in some energy (heat) escaping into surrounding environment Law of Energy conservation Forces Pushes and pulls Forces have size and direction
Australian Curriculum TEACHING PHYSICAL SCIENCE In pairs plan a sequence of learning activities: Select content descriptor for the year you are currently teaching Highlight key ideas in the statement Describe a sequence of 3 learning activities related to those key ideas Identify potential misconceptions and how will these be overcome
Australian Curriculum DEBRIEF OF SESSION 1 In your journals answer the following: What concerns do you have about: -Content -Strategies used? Share with partner. Share with whole group
Australian Curriculum MORNING TEA
Australian Curriculum LAB SAFETY GUIDELINES Regional Technicians Examine safety guidelines for Science teaching in primary schools In Phase of Learning highlight any issues or potential issues with investigations and using chemicals. What follow up actions are needed in my school?
Australian Curriculum SCIENCE INVESTIGATION SKILLS BRAINSTORM What makes a successful investigation? The 5 Whys Variable Grid Share ideas with whole group
Australian Curriculum LUNCH
Australian Curriculum SCIENCE AS A HUMAN ENDEAVOUR Key messages Science ‘s contribution to society, appreciate uniqueness Its applications in our lives Dynamic nature of science, advances through contributions of different people from different cultures Role of science in making informed decisions Many rewarding science-based career paths
Australian Curriculum SCIENCE AS A HUMAN ENDEAVOUR Science Network WA CALL OUT What current events could you use in your classroom to promote discussion?
Australian Curriculum SETTING THE TASK Task: Prepare a sequence of three lessons on a chosen concept relevant to your phase of learning. Prepare a 5 minute presentation on your work and share this with two colleagues on Day 3. Please bring to Day 3 documentation of your planning and relevant student work
Australian Curriculum PRESENTATION PLANNING Focus areas for presentations: Key messages and support to schools Science Understanding – (Biological science, Physical science, Earth and Space science, Chemical science) Science Investigation Skills Science as Human Endeavour Overview/Organisation of Science and resources
Australian Curriculum REFLECTION Consider what has been covered over these two days and what is planned for the next two days and in your journals reflect on: What else do I need to know to be confident to support my colleagues with implementing the Australian Curriculum: Science? Call out ideas