Working with children and families - evidencing prevention and demand management Welcome.


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Presentation transcript:

Working with children and families - evidencing prevention and demand management Welcome

Programme for the morning Welcome Introduction Janet Doran Processes to support Prevention Bernadette Caffrey And Demand ManagementRichard Ward Ofsted updateJanet Doran Coffee Management InformationSteph Billson Activity session Feedback and next steps Close

Early Help Janet Doran Assistant Director Community Services Changing Landscape Early Help and the Prevention and Demand Management Strategy Where does it originate? What is Early Help? Where is it located – how does it fit with other strategies

The Prevention and Demand Management Strategy Elected members and senior managers are committed to delivering targeted prevention including an early help offer

Where does it originate? Munro Review of Child Protection and the Government’s Response There should be local arrangements to help children, young people and families early, with improved coordination among statutory partners, support for local practitioners and clarity about local services

What does Early Help involve? Sufficient provision of early help informed by the local profile of need; Arrangements to identify children who are suffering, or likely to suffer harm; Access to child protection social work expertise for those professionals providing early help and at the boundary of statutory social care services; Effective training accessible locally for those professionals providing early help; Clear resourcing of local arrangements Provision of an ‘early help offer’ to individual children and families. “

The Definition of Early Help The Munro Review does not offer a precise definition. NCC has defined Early Help in Northamptonshire as: The provision of help (Tier 2) and support to families to improve their quality of life and prevent them from experiencing significant problems. Effective early identification of emerging and developing problems. The provision of appropriate help to individuals and their families to address problems before they become serious and longstanding. The provision of focussed help and support to sections of the community identified as being vulnerable.

Where does it fit? Ofsted Inspection of the multi-agency arrangements for the protection of children Two elements of the inspection cover early identification and prevention and step down processes Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Prevention and Early Help is one of the Board’s priorities as described in its strategic plan “Working and Delivering Together” NCC Early Help Strategic Statement Published November 2012 Children and Young People’s Partnership Board commissioned report (due January 2013)

Processes to support Prevention And Demand Management Bernadette Caffrey and Richard Ward

Progress so far Early Help Forums The Integrated Working Procedures and the Vulnerability Matrix The development of the CAF Aligning commissioned services Targeted Prevention Panels Discussion and feedback

1. Progress in delivering the Early Help Offer – LOTs to Early Help Forums LOTs have had some success and there is a desire across partners for them to continue. Therefore from January 2013 they will be Early Help Forums: Part of Early Help offer Work in a solution focussed way that promotes integrated responses to individual and community issues at Level 2 and Level 3, that are likely to become complex and require intensive and coordinated responses. Share information on individuals safely and confidentially

Continued: Have a core NCC membership and partners attending Provide social care oversight and guidance Receive, interpret and act upon reports of local need in the area 10 meetings occurring monthly in localities Be co-ordinated by the CAF team and the Targeted Prevention (TP) team

2. The Integrated Working Procedures and the Vulnerability Matrix The Integrated Working Procedures (IWP) and the Vulnerability Matrix – (a scale of need which supports practitioners to determine an appropriate response) are being revised To be used as a working document December 2012 Approval by agencies, Boards and launched in January/February 2013

3. The development of the Common Assessment Framework The ‘new’ framework will be one agreed assessment tool across partners operate a Level 2 and where concerns are rising be a whole family assessment determine the most appropriate components of the intervention required. the CAF team will be part of the local resourcing of the early help services to children young people and families

4. Early Help and Commissioned services Aligning the offer of our commissioned services to ensure efficient provision of early help and targeted prevention within the localities, e.g. Children Centres and Youth Services

5. Targeted Prevention Panels Targeted Prevention Panels in localities which will receive cases stepping out of Social Care or from Offender Management Programmes Attended by members of the TP team, Troubled Families Programme, CAF, Police and commissioned services

Discussion and Q & A Your chance to reflect on what you have heard and then ask questions and feed back from your group

Joint Inspections of the Multi- Agency Arrangements for the Protection of Children

Joint Inspectorate Approach Ofsted CQC HMI Constabulary HMI Probation HMI Prisons

NCC Commitment To be a pilot in December or January Phone call at 9am On site at 12 noon

The overall effectiveness of the multi-agency work to protect children and young people, including areas for development. They are interested in evaluating:-

The overall effectiveness judgement is a cumulative judgement derived from:- The effectiveness of the help and protection provided to children, young people and their families and carers. The quality of practice. Leadership, governance and partnership.

The inspection will focus on the effectiveness of multi-agency arrangements: for identifying children and young people who are suffering, or likely to suffer, harm from abuse or neglect; and for the provision of early help where it is needed. It will also consider the effectiveness of the local authority and it’s partners in helping and protecting these children if the risk remains or intensifies. Scope of Inspection

There will be an unannounced joint inspection of the multi-agency arrangements for the protection of children in each local authority area on a three-year cycle Inspections will be contained within a two- week period and there will be a phased approach to the arrival of the inspectors on site to minimise disruption and maximise effectiveness Inspection cycle and onsite arrangements

Inspectors will track the experiences of individual children and young people through identifying a shared sample of children and young people which will include observing practice to understand the effectiveness of the help and protection that is given. Organisations can prepare for this inspection by thinking through the “so what questions” “what difference does this make” and consider how answers are evidenced. NCC have prepared a document to help with this process called ‘In the know’

Partners roles in Inspection Inspections will give full consideration to the effectiveness of the contributions of all local services – social care, health, education, police, probation and the criminal justice system, individually and in partnership – to the protection of children Commissioned services may also be visited. To evaluate the effectiveness of the local authority, this inspection will also evaluate the contribution that other agencies make to the help and protection that is available to children, young people and their families and the overall effectiveness of these shared arrangements.

Useful links Integrated Working Procedures vices/social-care/cyp/caf/Pages/integrated- working.aspxhttp:// vices/social-care/cyp/caf/Pages/integrated- working.aspx or g/ Ofsted


Evidencing Outcomes Steph Billson Business Development Manager

Purpose and Vision Long Term – Evidencing outcomes for Prevention and Demand Management Strategy Short Term – Providing Evidence of impact of prevention and early help services for Joint Inspection Regime and understanding value for money and cost effectiveness

Outcomes versus Outputs - current arrangements Various methods of collection of Management Information Outputs focussed Varying systems

Outcomes versus Outputs – Future proposals Shifting national policy to outcomes Payment By Results Re-commissioning of Prevention and Demand Services OFSTED evidencing impact – the so what

Proposal – The Vision long term Outcomes based Performance Framework embedded within commissioning arrangements Consistency across directly delivered and commissioned services One System

Proposal – What about now Agreed framework of outcomes focussed around OFSTED requirements Local collection processes collated centrally April 2013

Content of framework Understand the how many Focus on the outcome - based on quality of life and wellbeing outcomes Measures distance travelled through intervention Framework of assessment which clearly defined levels Cross references to Integrated Working Procedures

Proposed outcomes Physical Living Environment Economic Wellbeing Social Interaction Education and Skills Physical Health Emotional Health Parenting skills Family Relationships Healthy Living

Activity - Feedback Are the proposed outcomes the most relevant for families? Would you include anything else? What do you currently collect that could be used to evidence this?

Activity – The process What Systems do you currently use? Could these be adapted to report the new framework? Would you want one system/template for reporting?

Activity How would you like us to work with you in developing this? –Working groups –Workshops –Individual Visits

Next Steps Collate feedback Develop proposal further Further engagement on implementation through contract discussions