Nile C. Kinnick High School Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan Janet Murray Information Specialist
Janet Murray Information Specialist
Organizes informationOrganizes information
Library of Congress Online Catalog
Organizes informationOrganizes information Facilitates Facilitatescommunication
ABYZ News Links
MultiMedia Schools Magazine
Peter Milbury’s Network of School Librarian Web Pages
Organizes informationOrganizes information Facilitates communicationFacilitates communication Teaches research skills Teaches research skills
Locating informationLocating information
Subject DirectoriesSubject Directories Librarians' Index to the Internet BUBL Link Catalogue of Internet Resources
Subject DirectoriesSubject Directories Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators KidsClick
Search Engines Search Engines Ask Jeeves Subjex
Search Engines Search Engines Northern Light Google
Locating information Locating information Evaluating web sites Evaluating web sites
Authority Who wrote it? What are the author’s qualifications? What organization sponsors the site?
Accuracy Can you verify the facts from another source?
Objectivity What is the purpose of the site? Who sponsors the site? Is the site biased?
Currency When was the page last updated? Is currency important to your topic?
Relevance Does the information relate to your topic?
AuthorityAuthority AccuracyAccuracy ObjectivityObjectivity CurrencyCurrency RelevanceRelevance
Locating information Locating information Evaluating web sites Evaluating web sites Information literacy Information literacy
Standards for Student Learning Standards for Student Learning Information Power: Nine Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning
Big6 Skills
Nile C. Kinnick High School Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan Janet Murray Information Specialist