The Rotary Foundation Committee Steering Committee - membership is made up of the Rotary Foundation Sub-Committee Chairs of the District District 7570 PETS
The Rotary Foundation Committee The responsibilities are to Propose allocation of the District Designated Funds Coordinate goals and plans for The Rotary Foundation activities of the District: 2013 District 7570 DTTS
The Rotary Foundation Committee Chair PDG Janet Johnson Foundation Alumni: Sandi Mabry Annual Giving: Lee Beam Endowed Scholarships: PDG Henry Nickels Grants: Walter Hughes 2013 District 7570 DTTS
The Rotary Foundation Committee GSE/VTT: David Metz ( ) Planned Giving Significant Gifts: PDG Byron Brill –Includes Paul Harris Society: Dale Coumes End Polio Now: PDG Malcom Huckabee Scholarships: John DeVogt 2013 District 7570 DTTS
2013 District 7570 PETS