CDP/DPH User Conference February 5, 2013 Presenter: Janet Overstreet 1
When assessing income there are two (2) boxes available; check the one that identifies how income was assessed. ◦ If patient provides income, check the first box; ◦ If patient chooses not to provide income, check the second box. (At Registration data entry, no income amount will be keyed into the Income field; the system should assign a “N/A” for not available; the patient would be charged at 100%) 3
Assignment of Benefits must be completed if the LHD is billing third party payers on behalf of the patient services received. ◦ This is where the patient gives permission for your agency to bill and receive payment directly from the third party payer; ◦ Allows for the third party payer to have access to the patient records if needed to determine payment. 4
Expires one (1) year from date signed, unless there is a change in custody Should be signed by an legally authorized person (if not the patient) 6
NEW KY DCBS Policy states that “foster parents” are allowed to sign consent for medical services for a foster child (placed in the care and custody of CHFS by the court) with the exception of “invasive procedures”. This does not apply to foster children in “emergency or temporary custody” KDCBS, Dept. of Protection & Permanency, SOP On-line Manual, Authorization for Medical Services (eff. 10/15/2012) 7
If there is not a valid General Consent on file (i.e., consent signed by DCBS Social Worker within the past year) Can only be for “non-invasive” procedure or service 8
This change only applies to KY DCBS “Foster Parents” General Consent Relatives, friends, or other caretakers cannot sign a General Consent without legal authorization 9
10 QUESTIONS??? Local Health Operations Branch (502) , option 1