Maximizing Your Investment How non-profit intermediaries can help you make safer socially responsible investments October 14, 2009 Janet Ozarchuk Vice President and Treasurer
LISC is a Partner and Catalyst for Community Improvement
LISC By the Numbers Since 1980, LISC Has Worked With Over 2,800 Non-Profit Community-Based Organizations and Invested $9 Billion Which Has Leveraged $28.2 Billion in Total Development. 244,755 affordable homes and apartments 36 million square feet of retail & community space 113 schools financed for 46,805 students 154 child care facilities supported for 16,000 children 205 playing fields renovated for 410,000 kids
LISC Has Received $138 Million in PRIs From 28 Foundations Types of Loans Predevelopment Acquisition Bridge Financing Construction Mini-Perm Permanent Working Capital Housing Multi-family rental Single family for sale Supportive housing – homeless seniors/veterans/etc. Artist live/work space Community Facilities Charter schools Day care facilities Recreational facilities Job training facilities Artistic facilities Commercial Facilities Main street corridors Supermarkets Mercados Credit unions Medical offices Green Development
A PRI Helped LISC Attract and Leverage Additional Funds for Charter School Facilities $10MM Foundation PRI at 0% $20MM Insurance Company Loan at 4.25% $5MM LISC at 6.00% $36MM Loan Fund $20MM Loan Fund $15MM Loan Fund $1.7MM Loan Fund $21MM Loan Fund $31.4MM Loan Fund $9.2MM Loan Fund $35MM Loan Fund $19.3MM Loan Fund $15MM Loan Fund $10MM $35MM $204MM 67 Charter Schools
A $1.5 million PRI Has Funded Over $3.2 million in Loans
Advantages of Lending to an Intermediary Lend to specific identified projects that match the Foundation’s charitable purposes. Look to the intermediary for repayment of the PRI, NOT the project. Intermediary can accumulate and concentrate investment dollars in target locations to leverage the amount and types of projects to maximize neighborhood impact.
PRI Providers are LISC’s Most Valued Partners Socially responsible capital Attractive financing terms “All Weather” participants Thank You for Your Interest