5/18/2015 LegalEze 1 Searching QP LegalEze and BC Laws: BC Legislation and How to Find It A Workshop for BC Public Libraries
5/18/2015 LegalEze 2 Acknowledgements This workshop has been developed with the assistance of: Nancy Hannum, Consultant Ene Haabniit & Cheryl Stenstrom, Public Library Services Branch Courthouse Libraries BC The Legal Services Society
5/18/2015 LegalEze 3 Introduction The main focus of this workshop is on how to search QP LegalEze, the database of B.C. statutes, regulations and other legislative materials.
Your presenters today: 5/18/2015 LegalEze 4 Janet Freeman LawMatters Program Coordinator, Courthouse Libraries BC Rebecca Slaven, Client Services Librarian, Courthouse Libraries BC
5/18/2015 LegalEze 5 Agenda Overview of Legal Process (in B.C.) Comparison of BC Laws to QP LegalEze Introduction to QP LegalEze: Quick Search & Using the Menu Break/Practice Questions Advanced & Boolean Search Forms Currency of Legislation Additional Sources of Legal Information Questions/ Wrap-Up
Workshop Objectives By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand some basic concepts about how laws are made in BC Describe the contents of the QP LegalEze database Navigate the database and print results Use the advanced and boolean search forms 5/18/2015 LegalEze 6
5/18/2015 LegalEze 7 Types of Legal Information Sources Primary Sources = Actual Laws Federal & Provincial statutes (acts) & regulations Case law Secondary Sources Popular law books and pamphlets (e.g. Self-Counsel Press) Legal dictionaries Legal textbooks Government web sites & other web sites which explain the law They can: – Provide an overview of a legal topic in plain language – Identify jurisdictions – Identify key primary sources
Sample Secondary Source: BC Employment Standards Branch Web Site 5/18/2015 LegalEze 8
5/18/2015 LegalEze 9 The Legal Process A Brief Overview Useful Resource : Legislation Made Easy, 3 rd ed. by Gail Nash. Crown Publications: Victoria.2010
5/18/2015 LegalEze 10 How A Bill Becomes A Law in B.C. A Proposed Law is drafted - usually by a government Ministry First Reading - Bill is introduced in Legislative Assembly [In QP LegalEze] Second Reading - Bill is debated Committee Stage - detailed consideration of Bill Third Reading - FINAL version of the Bill is printed with amendments [In QP LegalEze] Royal Assent – a law becomes “in force” upon Royal assent; or by regulation on a later date Note: Table of Bills tracks status of Bills
Table of Bills in QP LegalEze 5/18/2015 LegalEze 11
Comparing Free BC Laws Website to QP LegalEze Free public site: BC Laws is maintained by the BC Queen's Printer includes BC Statutes and Regulations, Orders in Council, Regulations Bulletin is usually current 7-14 days after changes in legislation but due to staffing issues, is now 3-4 months behind uses a simple search feature. Searching within a statute requires using the Windows edit - find function on your toolbar See the BC Laws FAQ Section Tab (Question #17) for a chart showing comparison of BC Laws to QP LegalEze. For checking new bills, amendments, repeals and Hansard debates use the BC Legislative Assembly site: 5/18/2015 LegalEze 12
5/18/2015 LegalEze 13 QP LegalEze License & Access Created and maintained by the Queen’s Printer Licensed by the Libraries and Literacy Branch for in-library use in all B.C. public libraries For access issues contact Tami Setala, Licensing and Business Development Manager, BC Libraries Cooperative, ext 1015,
5/18/2015 LegalEze 14 What’s in QP LegalEze? B.C. Statutes and Regulations Bills (1 st & 3 rd Reading) – government bills – members’ bills – private bills Act/Ministry Responsibilities Hansard (debates of the Legislative Assembly)
5/18/2015 LegalEze 15 What’s Included - Bills
5/18/2015 LegalEze 16 What’s Included – Act/Ministry Responsibilities
5/18/2015 LegalEze 17 What’s Included - Hansard
5/18/2015 LegalEze 18 What’s Included – Misc.
5/18/2015 LegalEze 19 What’s Not in QP LegalEze? Federal laws Laws from other provinces Case law Secondary legal information sources Historical material (Pre 1991 Statutes)
5/18/2015 LegalEze 20 When to Use QP LegalEze? To find a specific B.C. statute, regulation or other piece of legislation When secondary sources don’t provide enough information When someone wants to know the status of legislation When you want to search a number of legislative materials all at once For current B.C. legislation
5/18/2015 LegalEze 21 Challenges to Using QP LegalEze & Legal Reference Work The law and language of the law are often confusing to lay people – including library staff! Navigation can be tricky (e.g. opening & closing folders; remembering “where you are” in the database) The Law and QPLegalEze change Clients may want you to interpret the law – or even provide legal advice – which you cannot do.
5/18/2015 LegalEze 22 Break & Hands-On Practice (15 minutes) If you sign off LiveMeeting, reconnect again through your invitation Open QP LegalEze at your workstations If you hang up the phone, phone the conference call number again
5/18/2015 LegalEze 23 Additional Resources Courthouse Libraries BC – Toll Free: legal reference or to – LawMatters Program: – Clicklaw: includes a page for Laws, Cases and Rules Legal Services Society (legal aid) – Family Law in BC includes a page for Legislation / court rules B.C. Government Contact – Enquiry B.C.:
5/18/2015 LegalEze 24 Summary 1. Secondary sources are a good starting point 2. Four main ways to navigate in QP LegalEze: - quick search box - menu - advanced search form - Boolean search form 3. Identify alternate search terms - it can take TIME. 4. Refer clients to appropriate contacts/resources. 5. Never try to interpret the law or give legal advice ( see #4 again). 6. Learning about the law is not just good for your clients – it’s good for you!
Questions or Comments? 5/18/2015 LegalEze 25
5/18/2015 LegalEze 26 Contact information Janet Freeman LawMatters Program Coordinator Courthouse Libraries BC Phone: OR Rebecca Slaven Client Services Librarian Courthouse Libraries BC Phone: OR QP LegalEze Webinar Page e/index.php e/index.php