Union Square Farmers Market Managed by Union Square Main Streets with City of Somerville. Started Launched in partnership with Federation of Mass Farmers Markets. Held Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm, June through October
Kimball Fruit Farm (Pepperell, MA) – Full range of tree fruit, berries and vegetables Parker Farm (Lunenberg, MA) – Full range of vegetables and greens Nicewicz Family Farm (Bolton, MA) – IPM orchard with full range of tree fruit, berries and corn Drumlin Farm (Lincoln, MA) – Full range of vegetables, drop cherries, cut flowers and pesto Cook’s Orchard (Brimfield, MA) – IPM orchard and berries, baked goods and jams Stillman's Farm (Lunenburg, MA) – Fresh cut flowers Siraco Sharpening Service (Somerville, MA)- Sharpening services of kitchen knives, garden tools. Vendors with our market since 2005
New Vendors Iggy’s Bread (Cambridge, MA) –range of breads and rolls Hutchins Farm (Concord, MA) – vegetables and greens Taza Chocolate (Somerville, MA) – chocolate Fiore di Nonno (Somerville, MA) – mozzarella Groundwork Somerville (Somerville, MA) – plants, herbs Urban Homesteaders League (Somerville, MA) – skillshare workshops, swap table Herb Lyceum (Groton, MA) – potted flowers and herbs, honey, herb blends, soap
Data Collection at Market: Customer intercept survey (435 surveys in total collected) Weekly attendance records Transaction records from wireless terminal Informal interviews with vendors
We accept Food Stamps Aceitamos “Food Stamps” (vales para comida) Se aceptan Cupones de Comida Nou aksepte “Food Stamps”
Wireless Terminal Transaction 2010 Market Season Total Dollars spent by SNAP customers = $2,190 Total Dollars distributed in SNAP incentives = $1,237 Total Dollars spent by credit/debit customers = $8,354 Total amount all terminal market transactions = $10,544
Key Findings: Six fold increase in EBT redemptions in 2010 compared to previous years when SNAP benefits were accepted at market.
Average weekly attendance
Key Findings: Weekly Market attendance has roughly doubled.
Residence Zip Code of Market Customers The geographic distribution of market customers has remained constant between 2005, 2006 and 2010 with just over half of customers from the immediate area of During this period, however, according to our survey the percentage of foreign born customers has decreased. In 2005 and 2006, USA was the country of origin for 79.8% of respondents. In 2010 that percentage increased to 90.6%.
Age of Market Customers (percentage of total)
Key Findings: Four fold increase in market attendance among seniors.
Number of Children in Customer Households (percentage of total)
Income Level of Market Customers
Frequency of Market Attendance (percentage of total)
Key Findings: 43% of customers report visiting the market every week.
Customer Reported Total Average Weekly Purchase Average weekly sales 2010 for all customers = $31.27 Self Reported data from survey Average weekly sales 2010 for card customers = $27.18 Obtained from terminal data
Key Findings: Double the percentage of customers to 13% who spend more than $50 at the market each week.
Key Findings: Vendors report that Union Square Farmers Market provides their highest gross sales and highest profit over any other farmers market.
How much spent at other businesses? (percentage of total customers)
In 2010 the direct economic impact of the Union Square Farmers Market for the season reached over $1.5M.
What makes the Union Square Farmers Market special?
Market is held on a pedestrian plaza with trees and seating
Music Every Week
Guest Vendor “Grown in Somerville Booth”
Recipes and free samples
Educational programs
Ideas for Next Year Create higher denomination coins ($5, $10) Investigate partnership to share token system with other Somerville farmers markets
Ideas for Next Year Increase translation capacity and signage in languages other than English at market
Ideas for Next Year Increase use social media and internet promotion of the market Perhaps a blog?