©2013 Ady Voltedge Part 2: How to Put Together A Winning Business Recruitment Proposal October 9, 2013
©2013 Ady Voltedge Cover Page Branded Key assets Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Cover Page Branded Key assets Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Cover Letter Addresses points Short and sweet Provides specifics Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Organization Easy to understand Logical Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Positioning Complete Compelling Tells a story Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Branding Map Key assets Visually interesting Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Permitting Process Clear and concise Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Wage Data Matched RFI Wyoming Economic Development Association – October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Maps Branded Clear Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Map Branded Detailed Clear Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Maps Three levels of maps Key references Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Creativity Testimonials in cover letter Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Key Themes & Recommendations Incomplete responses are the easiest way for your community to be eliminated A well-organized response can help you stand out Fill out Sites & Buildings information completely also Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge How to Get Organized Have a template in place before the RFI comes in Use an appendix instead of attachments Have consistent branding Use multiple, simplified maps Make maps very clear Nail your region’s competitive positioning Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Wyoming’s Competitive Positioning Wyoming Economic Development Association - January
©2013 Ady Voltedge Handout Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge The Wyoming RFI Process Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Wyoming RFI Process Single point of contact is a plus Branded cover pages Consistent community information Timeliness and order Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Recommendation for RFI Process Be more selective in what RFI’s are submitted to the site selector Contact the site selector to try to ascertain additional information Summarize project stats and status Consider larger regions for community profiles Encourage all qualifying LEDOs to submit Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge RFI Scoring Results WY RFI Grading Scale Rank Completeness Clarity Organization Strategic Positioning Value Added Information Creativity Overall %10% Wyoming Economic Development Association - October
©2013 Ady Voltedge Questions? Janet L. Ady Ady Voltedge Wyoming Economic Development Association - October