Workplace Health & Wellbeing South Tyneside Manufacturing Forum Scott Duncan & Janet Cummings
Who are we and why are we here? Specialist training provider of innovative training solutions Established company with successful track record Commissioned to deliver workplace health and wellbeing services across South of Tyne and Wear Actively involved with South Tyneside Workplace Alliance
131 million lost working days in Britain during 2011 i.e. 4.5 days per worker or 1.8% of working time lost) Source: ONS The Business Case
UK Statistics million people take sick leave ever year £100 billion annual cost to the economy £13 billion cost to tax payers £9 billion cost to employers £15 billion lost in economic output 41% MSD and 26% Mental Health conditions most commonly reported illness £10.1 to £14.7 billion cost to employees Source: Frost/Dame Carole Black Independent report 2011 & Review of the Health of Britain's working-age population 2008
Workplace Health and CSR "Health and wellbeing will become the new CSR” David Mobbs, Nuffield Health chief executive
NHS SOTWAmacusGatesheadSouth Tyneside South Tyneside Workplace Health Alliance South Tyneside Manufacturing Forum South Tyneside Business Forum Sunderland Working collaboratively with South Tyneside Workplace Alliance
Workplace Health Offer Workplace Health Support North East Better Health At Work Award
Workplace Health Offer FREE support available to businesses Access to NHS / Charity / Voluntary service provision for: Employee Health Surveys Access to Better Health at Work Award Dedicated website: Information / training opportunities Workplace health checks Smoking cessation Physical exercise Healthy eating Emotional Wellbeing Cancer Awareness Plus other topics
Workplace Health Support Statistics Engaged with 29 companies since January 2012 Focus on Routine / Manual workers Examples of companies in South Tyneside Dorma – Alcohol awareness Domnic Hunter, Boldon – Healthy Eating
Health Service Provision 2675 employees have engaged with Health Service Provision in the past 12 months
Health Service Provision Services in South Tyneside Health Trainers Obesity and Nutrition NHS Health & Lifestyle Advisors Happiness & Wellbeing Network Blissability Service in SoTW and North East NHS Health Checks NHS Breast and Bowel Cancer Washington Mind Various Charities: Prostate Cancer Cancer UK FACT (Fighting Against Cancer Together) British Health Foundation Diabetes UK Stroke Association Plus Many Others!!
North East Better Health at Work Award Award Regionally 500 employers250,000 employees Award South of Tyne and Wear 39 companies in ,000 employees
Why a North East Award? Designed to ensure consistency within the North East Benchmark for workplace health improvement initiatives Has support of regional agencies and organisations Helps with NHS and Health & Safety national targets
Format of the Award 4 levels Bronze, Silver, Gold, Continuing Excellence Each level takes 1 yearEveryone starts at Bronze levelAssessed each November/December
Benefits of doing the Award Practical help and support for employees Improved morale and motivation Improved productivity and performance Exchange of good practice/ experiences Networking opportunities Healthy workforce can boost local economy
Annual Celebration Event Steve Dale, Operations Manager at Ford Aerospace collecting the Bronze Award from Nonnie Crawford, Director of Public Health Sunderland
Key Successes “ “Sickness absence reduced by 5 days per employee” Gateshead Council “Sickness absence reduced by 5 days per employee” Gateshead Council “Sickness absence reduced by 30%” South Tyneside Homes “Sickness absence reduced by 30%” South Tyneside Homes “50% of workforce having BP & Cholesterol checked each year” BAE Systems “50% of workforce having BP & Cholesterol checked each year” BAE Systems “We have reduced sickness and absence costs by 64%” Cummins “We have reduced sickness and absence costs by 64%” Cummins “It has been hugely beneficial, it has lifted morale and brought about positive change its had a noticeable lift on people’s health and enthusiasm” ABB “It has been hugely beneficial, it has lifted morale and brought about positive change its had a noticeable lift on people’s health and enthusiasm” ABB
What you get from us: Telephone & support Site visits Online health needs analysisHealth Service Provider connectionsNetworking sessionsWorkshops/trainingInductions at each level of awardAssessment of AwardWebsite
Contact Us Janet Cummings Business and Marketing Coordinator Telephone: Scott Duncan Business Development Manager Telephone: