The theoretical significance of UG in second language acquisition Present by Esther, Karen, Mei
The relationship between UG and POS What is POS and examples Why we are talking about POS and UG
The relationship between UG and POS What is POS and examples “ poverty of the stimulus ” → the environment does not give one enough information, but one seems to know it
The relationship between UG and POS What is POS and examples EX : Learner hears : She is coming. She ’ s coming. Is she coming? Yes, she is. Is she coming? Yes, she ’ s.
The relationship between UG and POS Why we are talking about POS and UG L1 → POS → UG ↓ L2 → POS → UG
I 、 UG and the significance of L2-L1 differences By Esther
The definition of UG The innate principles and properties that pertain to the grammars of all human languages.
Whether UG is involved in SLA (post-childhood) 1.Fundamental differences developmental differences between L2 and L1 learners
L1 → the onset of acquisition L1 → the onset of acquisition → subsequent development → subsequent development L2 → apparent fossilization prior to the L2 → apparent fossilization prior to the achievement of full target-like achievement of full target-like behavior behavior The differences between L2 and L1 learners
2.Systems of grammatical competence Whether UG is involved in SLA (post-childhood)
Types of POS argument : → Argument 1 Locality constraints on wh-phrase movement in L2 grammars (Martohardjona)
BUT …………. In the case of locality constraints there is no positive evidence in the input bearing on the matter
→ Argument 2 An interlanguage is found in one of the world's language (Schwartz &Sprouse)
Whether UG is involved in SLA (post-childhood) 3.Difference- oriented A more compelling reason for UG-based research → explain L2-L1differences
II 、 UG, SLA, and explanation By Karen
1. The limitation of POS Studies Schwartz & Sprouse ’ s proposal Although Schwartz&Sprouse describe different kind of POS phenomena but their account does not advance our understanding of UG.
2. Difference-oriented Approach full access to UG 1) a theory of performance 2) a theory of interaction of input and acquisition → SLA would provide a different kind of window on UG
3. Evidence Research 1 : Chinese speakers overt movement is not involved Chinese speakers ’ English grammars involve a different kind of wh-movement from syntactic feature – driven movement
Research 2 : an example of “ selective fossilization ” in the L2 English of a Chinese speaker described (Lardiere 1998a; 1998b; 2000)
Conclusion POS does have relationship with UG Differences-oriented
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