SLA: Opening Lecture (in two parts)
Part 1 (a) the setting (see Fig. 2) Basic topic and terminology (see Fig. 1) SLA as a multidisciplinary field of study The three main variables in SLA (a) the setting (see Fig. 2) (b) the learner (also in Part 2) (see Fig. 3)
Part 2 (4) A framework for examining the (b) the learner (see Fig. 3) (c) the input 1. the inherent properties of the target language 2. the formally and interactionally adjusted features found in foreigner talk and teacher talk 3. features of the learner’s own output 4. the meaning and functions carried by the input 5. overall: quantity and quality of the input (4) A framework for examining the components of SLA (see Fig. 4)
Fig. 1 The term “SLA” and 3rd, 4th, 5th . . . nth Foreign Language Acquisition setting difference Fig. 1 The term “SLA”
Fig. 2 Setting as a variable Second Foreign Setting Instructed Untutored (“naturalistic”) Fig. 2 Setting as a variable
Fig. 3 The learner as a variable Age Aptitude Motivation Attitudes Personality Learner Cognitive style Learning strategies Communication strategies Social/cultural/ economic background Gender Appearance Time and energy Etc. ……
Fig. 4 Framework for examining the components of SLA cognitive learning production strategies communication Situational factors Input Learner processes Variable L2 output linguistic processes: universal principles of grammar (proposed) Learner differences Fig. 4 Framework for examining the components of SLA