Estimating Export Response in Canadian Provinces to the US- Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Sumeet Gulati and Nisha Malhotra
The Softwood Lumber Agreement US Claim Artificially low stumpage fees Countervailable subsidies. April 1996-Softwood Lumber Agreement finalized. First 14.7 Billion Board Feet (BBF) of softwood lumber exports from Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec would enter the US market duty free. The first 650 million board feet over 14.7 BBF -tax of $50 per thousand board feet. Any further exports were subject to a tax of $100 per thousand board feet. Other provinces- Unrestricted access to the US market.
Timeline for the SLA Softwood Lumber I: 1982 US authorities decided no subsidy Softwood Lumber II: 1986 15% provisional duty Replaced by 15% export tax in MOU Softwood Lumber III: 1991 Canada unilaterally terminates MOU Countervailing case filed: Interim bonding requirement Canada wins appeal against countervailing duty in CUSTA (1993 and 1994) US revokes duties against Canadian lumber (Aug 1994) Bilateral consultation process for softwood established
Provincial Effects Provinces paying tariff (SLA) Alberta British Columbia Ontario Quebec Export Growth Rates All Years ( ) Before SLA ( ) After SLA ( SLA Provinces147%119%-8% Non-SLA Provinces 513%155%56%
Preliminary Test: A Gravity Model A cross-section ‘gravity’ equation x it is log exports from province i to the US (annual) y it and y USt are logs of GDP province and in US dist i is the log of distance from province i to the US R USt is the US rate of interest SLA is dummy for SLA provinces NSLA is a dummy for non-SLA provinces , E xt is the US-Canada exchange rate Annual data used from
Table 1: Gravity Model for Softwood Lumber Exports (Canadian provinces to the US)
Table 2: Gravity Model for Softwood Lumber Exports (Canadian provinces to the US)