Navigation solutions powered by Europe Galileo Full Operational Capability Time and Geodetic Validation Facility Industry Day ESA/ESTEC, 22 nd of January 2013
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 2 TGVF - Industry Day - Meeting Room Einstein Give an overview of the TGVF Tender data package to enable the Tenderer to deliver high quality proposals. 09:30 Welcome(N. Aouad – TGVF contract responsible) 09:45 TGVF presentation (S. Binda – TGVF responsible) 10:15 TGVF Core Infrastructure (D. Jimenez – TGVF Core Infrastructure responsible) 10:45 OVF (F. Gonzalez – TGVF OVF responsible) 11:15 TVF (A. Mudrak – TGVF TVF responsible) 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Visit GPC group A* (D. Jimenez) 14:00 Visit GPC group B* (S. Binda) * Einstein room available from 13:00 to 15:00. For the visits to the GPC: group A should be ready in Einstein at 12:45, group B should be ready in Einstein at 13:45. Agenda
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 3 ESA presentations will be given Visit to the Facilities will be performed Only clarifications on the presentations text can be provided at the meeting Complete Applicable Documents and stripped-down TGVF IOV EIDP will be provided tomorrow (to companies having signed the NDA) It will be possible to send in writing detailed questions to the Contract Officer after the meeting (i.e the usual Clarification process is in place) A clear distinction will be kept in Presentations and Clarifications distribution between: material referring to the TGVF Tender published on EMITS material referring to the documents subject to NDA (e.g. stripped down TGVF IOV EIDP) Presentations/clarifications related to the TGVF Tender Data Package will be published on EMITS Presentations/clarifications related documents subject to NDA (e.g. stripped down TGVF IOV EIDP) will be distributed only to companies having signed it Industry Day Organisation
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 4 On EMITS: CTTGVF Open procedure Conditions of Tender.pdf CLTGVF Open procedure Cover Letter.pdf CTRTGVF Open procedure Draft Contract.pdf PSIEUROPEAN-GNSS-PSI_2.0.pdf CISLGAL-CISL-ESA-SYST-X-1475_1.0_CISL.pdf SOW GAL-SOW-ESA-SYST-X-1466_1.0_FOC_TGVF_SOW.pdf SOWGAL-SOW-ESA-SYST-X-1466-A1_1.0_DRL.pdf CUGAL-SOW-ESA-SYST-X-1466-A2_1.0-CU.pdf GLOSSARYGAL-SOW-ESA-SYST-X-1466-A3_1.0_Glossary.pdf REQSPECGAL-REQ-ESA-SYST-X-1477_1.0_FOC_TGVF_REQ.pdf Clarification no 2 published as well on EMITS Data Package Composition
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 5 SYSTEM EXTERNAL INTERFACES (acting as precursor of future Time Service Provider TSP and Geodetic Reference Service Provider GRSP) GSS station coordinates (OVF) PTF qualification (TVF) Galileo System Time (GST) Steering to UTC (TVF) Reference clocks and orbits to compute operational GMS Navigation Message errors (OVF) IOT/SYSTEM INTEGRATION VERIFICATION (SIV) CAMPAIGNS PERFORMANCE MONITORING Signal In Space Monitoring by network of Experimental Sensor Stations GMS-external characterisation of orbits and clocks for IOT/SIV purposes User Equivalent Range Error budget estimations (in support of Early Service validation) TGVF Use Cases
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 6 The TVGF Upgrade shall make use of the TGVF IOV infrastructure, unless the Contractor elects not to do so because he can provide the same functionality and performance within the requested time frame. Six Work packages have been identified in order to allow the TGVF Upgrade to provide the requested functionality and performance. The TVF requires some upgrades but needs to be operated immediately as of the KO in a Service Level Agreement (SLA) regime. After the upgrades have been completed, the TVF will be operated in a tightened SLA. The OVF shall be operated as of the KO in a SLA regime. The Core Infrastructure needs to be updated, but needs as well to be operated immediately as of the KO. There is no SLA defined for the Core Infrastructure, even though its performance during all phases of Operations shall be monitored routinely and subject to review. Important activities: IOV TO FOC CONTRACT HANDOVER OPERATIONS CONTINUITY DURING TGVF UPGRADE Development logic
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 7 Work packages (1/2) Work Package 1: TGVF Prime. This work package covers the activities to be performed at TGVF System level to ensure a consistent Design, Development, Verification, Validation, Deployment, Operations and Maintenance of the TVF, OVF and Core Infrastructure. Work Package 2: TVF Service Level Agreement (TVF SLA). This work package covers the upgrade of TVF to generate timing products as necessary for provision of Galileo OS and PRS SiS. This work package covers also the delivery of these identified products for which the definition of a Service Level Agreement is appropriate. These products are well defined and described in GMS-GTSP. This work package includes finally the Site Hosting and Network Internal and External Services for the TVF. Note that this includes provision of data by UTC laboratories to TVF under similar SLA conditions as the TVF towards Galileo. Work Package 3: OVF Service Level Agreement (OVF SLA). This work package covers the delivery of well identified products for which the definition of a Service Level Agreement is sufficient for the purposes of the Galileo System. This applies to OVF geodetic products as necessary for provision of Galileo OS and PRS SiS. These products are well defined and described in GMS-GRSP ICD. This work package also includes the Site Hosting and Network Internal and External Services for the OVF.
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 8 Work packages (2/2) Work Package 4: Core Infrastructure development, integration and validation. This work package covers the upgrade of the Core Infrastructure, which will be performed based on [AD.2] requirements to upgrade the sensor station to receive Galileo FOC1 signals, ensure review of the algorithms and ensure software development to tailored DAL-E level or equivalent. Work Package 5: Core Infrastructure Operations. This work package covers: Extension of operations of the Core Infrastructure part which is hosted at ESA/ESTEC (DSF, DMZ, DQF, DPAF, DPS, ESTEC GESS) Operations of the set of Galileo Experimental Sensor Stations part of the Core Infrastructure at their current locations Work Package 6: Security Accreditation. This work package covers all the activities necessary to enable connection of the Upgraded TGVF to the Galileo Control Centres (GCC-I and GCC-D), in accordance with the Local Site Accreditation Plan (AD.7).
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 9 Customer Undertakings (1/2)
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 10 Deliverables are defined in the SOW/Contract: HW/SW deliverables Service Products deliverables Validation Products deliverables Documents Deliverables
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 11 The TVF/OVF Service Level Agreement regime consists of: The provision of services (i.e. signals and reports) with accuracy, frequency, latency and availability in accordance with the Requirement Specification The delivery of Key Performance Indicators to demonstrate that the accuracy, frequency, latency and availability requirements are routinely met A provision such that the failure to perform as specified shall result in the application of Service Credits as specified in the SoW and in the Contract The set of Key Performance Indicators shall be established by the Contractor and agreed by ESA for TVF/OVF at the Kick Off as follows: The list of signals to be delivered is defined in the SOW Measurable performance parameters related the accuracy, frequency, latency and availability to these signals shall be established according to the Requirement Specification The measurable performance parameters shall be computed routinely and reviewed at each Quarterly Review At every Quarterly Review, the Contractor shall be authorised to charge the Agency for the Services delivered in the SLA in accordance to the following: the Normalised KPI (i.e. the unweighted average of the KPIs normalised with respect to their respective Requirement Specification values) shall be computed ranges for the normalised KPI shall be as defined in the Contract the Service charge per Quarter shall be defined as three times the monthly price of the TVF/OVF SLA work package related to the provision of the signals defined in the SOW the Agency shall be given a Service Credit (i.e. a reduction on the Service charge) corresponding to the range achieved by the Normalised KPI as defined in the Contract The OVF KPIs level are defined at the KOM. The TVF KPIs are defined at the KOM and redefined (tightened) at the AR) Service Level Agreement (TVF/OVF)
Navigation solutions powered by Europe 18 May, 2015 The European GNSS Programmes 12 Schedule