A Critical Analysis of English Language Courses in Thailand Richard Watson Todd King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Conference goals n Aiming to narrow the gap between theory and practice, the conference brings together SLA theorists with classroom teachers to engage in a productive sharing of research findings and an exchange of ideas. n The conference presents a valuable opportunity for researchers with theoretical interests to share their research processes and techniques with classroom practitioners. ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Implications of conference goals n SLA research has implications for the classroom teaching of English n ELT practitioners can inform the agenda of SLA research n Are these implications valid? ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
The relationship between SLA and ELT n Hoey (2003): some research into linguistics (e.g. text types, corpus linguistics) has been stimulated by ELT problems n ELT (especially textbooks) is not informed by linguistics research ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
The relationship between SLA and ELT n Long (2007): SLA has provided findings of use to ELT (e.g. L1 transfer, ways of giving negative feedback) n Focus on the learning of specific language points n Criticises arguments from ELT that SLA has not been useful ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
The relationship between SLA and ELT n Previous work has been theoretical n This paper: –SLA research: extracted from 6 recent books –ELT practice: analysed from English language course descriptions at Thai universities ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
SLA books n Foley and Thompson (2003) Language Learning n Lightbown and Spada (1999) How Languages are Learnt n Long (2007) Problems in SLA n Mitchell and Myles (2004) Second Language Learning Theories n Saville-Troike (2006) Introducing Second Language Acquisition n Scovel (2001) Learning New Languages ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
SLA focuses n Language is phonology + syntax + morphology + semantics + lexis + pragmatics + discourse –Most work concerns the learning of specific language features (esp. grammar points) n Only one of the 6 SLA books includes lengthy sections on skills –“Unfortunately, skill development is seriously understudied in SLA” (VanPatten, 2004) ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
SLA focuses n Learning theories most frequently mentioned: social interactionist, focus on form (in a task-based approach) –Most work on how to learn concerns specific instances, e.g. the effects of different ways of giving corrections (e.g. recasts) n Research focuses include issues of little relevance to Thai tertiary ELT (e.g. age) ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
English language course descriptions n 22 foundation English courses from 9 public universities n Descriptions range from 24 words to 178 words with a total of 1,146 words n Analysis: word frequency, thematic categorisation, collocations ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Course descriptions findings n What is to be learnt? –Four skills (21) > Learning strategies (6) > Language knowledge (3) –Reading (22) > Writing (19) > Listening (14) > Speaking (9) > Grammar (6) > Vocabulary (2) > Discourse (0) –Settings: social and academic language use n Clear focus on the learning of skills, with reading the most important ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Course descriptions findings n Progress through courses: –writing short paragraphs > writing various types of paragraphs –reading various printed materials > reading more complex passages n Goals set by university in 7 cases; students identify some goals in 2 cases ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Course descriptions findings n How to learn? –For skills, build on existing abilities (develop, improve, strengthen) –For language knowledge, give (provide, equip) –Wide range of methods and activities practice, task-based learning, small-group learning, strategy training, self-access learning, process writing, grammar exercises, mini-projects ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Course descriptions findings n Non-linguistic objectives –lifelong learning –attitudes –cultural understanding –critical thinking –Very few mentions (contrast with National Education Act) ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Summary of findings n Course descriptions –Emphasis on learning skills –Skills learnt through building on existing abilities –Reading is most frequent –Language knowledge (a minor focus) learnt through transmission –Wide range of learning activities n SLA literature –Emphasis on language features, not skills –Language learnt through interaction/tasks –Focus on a very specific level: specific language points and specific aspects of learning ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
Dissonance between Thai ELT and SLA n Focus on skills or focus on linguistic features n Importance of interaction in how people learn languages n Overview of how to learn or the effects on learning of specific behaviours n Pre-specified objectives or objectives emerging from tasks ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
What Thai ELT can learn from SLA n Need for more flexibility in the objectives of learning n Need for a greater focus on linguistic features, and on a greater variety of linguistic features? n Need for a greater emphasis on how structured interaction (e.g. scaffolding) can help promote learning n Most SLA findings are relevant at the level of specific teacher behaviours, not curriculum objectives ©2009 Richard Watson Todd
What SLA can learn from Thai ELT n Need for more research into skills learning –Inclusion of current skills learning research into SLA –Stronger models of how skills are learnt n Need for more activity-based research into how languages are learnt n Should SLA research directions be set by their usefulness for ELT? ©2009 Richard Watson Todd