Slide 2 / 18 TABLE OF CONTENT ContentSlide nr Table of Content2 Background – DNA Bill Implementation Plan3 - 4 Process Flows Taking of a Buccal Sample5 Forensic DNA profile obtain and destruction of sample6 Comparative searches and forensic leads7 Expunging of DNA profile in Volunteer Index8 Expunging (innocent / withdrawal) from Arrestee Index9 Loading of forensic DNA Convicted Offenders Index10 Expunging Missing Persons / Unidentified Index11 Familial searching12 DNA profile from Foreign and International Law Enforcement Agencies13 Action steps and time frames14 – 16 Comparative study between CODIS and SOLVE17
Slide 3 / 18 The implementation Plan of the DNA Bill - {CJS Expenditure to date in support of the DNA Bill} The Project Plan of the transversal matters that will influence the implementation – IJS Initiatives in support of the DNA Bill Revised Costing of the DNA Bill – to include business plan of the IT/ ICT Systems solution to support the initiative, & decision between SOLVE & CODIS A Tag [identifier] to identify an authorized person [An approved/ official tag to form part of the dress code] Example of a buccal swab, duration of training to ensure competence of an authorised person + [Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Health – National Health Laboratory Service [NHLS] National Oversight & Ethics Board composition & roles DNA BILL – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
Slide 4 / 18 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A tag is being designed to suit the intended purpose and this will form part of the dress code. This will be pinned on the dress code/clothing to identify an authorized person A revised training plan in the DNA Bill Implementation Plan - Presentation by NHLS MOU – In compilation process by the Office of the Criminal Justice Review [OCJR] Business Plan with regard to the DNA Bill’s overall Systems solution with milestones - TMS Decision between SOLVE & CODIS - SITA Accreditation Plan – view from SANAS National Forensic Oversight and Ethics Board Composition – Legal Services
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Driver description Action StepsTime FrameCostResponsible Person Taking of samples from certain categories of persons Register a project and establish a Steering Committee that will meet monthly to manage and monitor implementation of the project wrt system solution for NFDD. CAS/ICDMS Interface to PIVA/HANIS (Scoping of functionality for integrated booking process to commence) Project plan for CAS/ICDMS enhancement to capture the buccal sample barcode and link it to the fingerprint number and “Mens Nommer”. Development of the CAS/ICDMS enhancement. Procure barcode scanners. Install the barcode scanners Project plan for CAS/ICDMS interface with CRIM and FSL Admin to source buccal sample barcode. Create an interface for CAS/ICDMS with CRIM and FSL Admin to source buccal sample barcode.(ICDMS /CRIM endpoints are completed, SiBUS integration is outstanding) Create an interface for ICDMS and FSL Admin 31 Jul Sept Sept Mar Feb June Sept 2013 Dependent on ICDMS enhancement 30 Jan 2014 N/A R 110,000 (SLA) R 210,000 (SLA) R 2,000,000 R 1,000,000 R 110,000 (SLA) R TMS IJS Board & TMS TMS & SITA TMS, IJS Board, SITA & DOH TMS SITA TMS & SITA TMS Project plan for CRIM interface to DOJ to support the National Register for Sex Offenders. Create the CRIM interface to DOJ. 30 Sept 2013 Dependent on CRIM enhancement R (SLA)TMS, IJS Board, SITA & DOJ IJS Board Slide 14 / 18
Driver descriptionAction StepsTime FrameCostResponsible Person Taking of samples from certain categories of persons Project plan with regards to person tracking within the CJS cluster 31 Dec 2014IJS Board Submission of bodily samples within defined period and forensic DNA analysis thereof Project plan for interface between FSL Admin and DE-STRLab Create an interface between FSL Admin and DE-STRLab. Project plan for modernisation of DE-STRLab. Modernisation of the DE-STRLab. Compile Labware specification. Labware configuration. Provide roll-out plan for new equipment to support the Reference Index lane implementation. Reference Index lane Tender Equipment( Forensic Instruments) delivered Installation to be done Procurement of Servers Procurement of barcode scanners 30 Sept 2013 Dependent on ICDMS enhancement 30 Sept June Jan Dec August 2013 Dependent on the SITA transversal contract 31 October 2013 R 110,000 (SLA) R 312,000 R 110,000 (SLA) R 6,400,000 R 330,000 (SLA) R 40,000,000 R 44,553,679 R 1,500,000 R 90,000 TMS & SITA FS, TMS & SITA TMS & SITA FS, TMS & SITA TMS TMS & SCM FS & SCM TMS Slide 15 / 18
Driver description Action StepsTime FrameCostResponsible Person Destruction of buccal samples From Year 1 onwards R1 million pa to incinerate shredded samples which are handled as biological waste (contract exists) FS Establish National Forensic DNA Database of South Africa (NFDD) TMS to sign agreement with FBI to acquire software and obtain training on CODIS to do intensive evaluation and obtain understanding what additional functionality is required to be developed. (This is subject to the software being acquired from the FBI and training on the product being conducted) Conduct a site-visit to evaluate the CODIS product. To provide comprehensive analysis report between SOLVE & CODIS & alternative options to support system solution including costing and implementation time frameworks as requested by Portfolio Committee Project plan to configure and integrate the acquired NFDD solution. Configure and integrate the acquired NFDD solution to existing SAPS systems. Phase 1: Prioritised functions Phase 2: Remaining functions 31 August Sept 2013 Within 3 months of the acquisition of the software from the FBI. Dependent on the outcome of the product evaluation. Dependent on completion of phase 1. R 1,000,000 R 500,000 R 312,000 R 7,000,000 R 4,000,000 TMS,SITA TMS, SITA, IJS & FS TMS, SITA, IJS & FS Access & Security Annually perform risk assessment and provide plan on addressing shortcomings.AnnuallyR TMS & SITA Slide 16 /18
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