Cognitive Theories in SLA Jim Cummins
Cognitive Academic Proficiency Cummins in Baker, C. (2001)
Common Underlying Proficiency Cummins in Baker, C. (2001)
Threshold Hypothesis Cummins in Baker, C. (2001)
Pair Activity 1. Choose a buddy 2. Have one face the back 3. One holds a separate piece of paper 4. To create.....
Cummins in Parrish, 2006
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency The term CALP refers to the language skills that are associated with literacy and cognitive development. CALP is typically learned through formal instruction. Shows a high correlation with verbal sections on intelligence tests. Is very context reduced while depending more on cognitive capabilities. Depends on the relationship between the native language and other language since both languages should be sufficiently well established.
Collier & Thomas
Cognitively Un-demanding Cognitively Demanding Context Reduced Context Embedded A B D C
Bialystok, E. Cognitive Processing in Bilingual Children
Center for Applied Linguistics. (2002)
Answer Key Center for Applied Linguistics. (2002)