Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean service and product specification Dominique Obaton
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 From yesterday: what users would like Marine and coastal environment From 15 users (URDs) Water pollution and eutrophication, loss of biodiversity, coastal and land use n variables most asked : temperature, salinity, Chlorophyll n mainly historical time series, few forecast n web service required n need of quality control on data n availability without gaps and delays n sustainability : products need be produced over a long period of time
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Marine safety From 17 users (URDs) oil spill drift (mainly) and ice drift n few days forecast (~ 5 days), meteorological & oceanographical. Daily to hourly n need of currents, waves, wind. For ice : coverage (observation and forecast) n web interface n need of quality control on data, error bars n availability without gaps and delays n sustainability From yesterday: what users would like
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Marine resources From 5 users (URDs) Fish stock assessment, aquaculture n Assessment ?? Better management. Be careful not to « contribute » to diseppearance of fish species (philosophical point) n Temperature, salinity, currents, sea surface elevation (to force coastal models), chlorophyll n Few days forecast + long time series data (historical data) ideally 50 years n Needs of hydrodynamic, T, S, current, ssh to force bio model n need of quality control on data, error bars n availability without gaps and delays n sustainability ! From yesterday: what users would like
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Weather and climate From 13 users (URDs) Weather and seasonam forecasting + climate analysis n 2 parts weather, seasonal and climate forecast + climate impact n In situ, sla, sst, currents, sea ice (later) n few days forecast to initialise models + long time series (from 1993) to measure vaiability n need of quality control on data, error bars n availability without gaps and delays n sustainability From yesterday: what users would like
Marine Core Service MY OCEAN What it is proposed from MyOcean
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 variables For service V0 (from now to October 2010) models n Hydrodynamic parameters : temperature, salinity, currents, sea level (all MFCs) n Ice parameters : concentration, velocities, thickness, ice type (global, Arctic, Baltic) n Biogeochemical : chla, attenuation coefficient, nitrate, phosphate, phytoplanction biomass, dissolved oxygen, primary production (North West shelf, Mediterranean) observations n SLA n Ocean color n SST n ice n wind
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Service V1 For service V1 (from October 2010) MyOcean service starts : with commitments about products : n Some improvements : variables missing in V0, higher resolution in some basin n Ecosystem in new areas n Reanalysis n Some quality control on data about services n “centralisation” and uniformisation of service n possibility to view products from catalogue n online possibility (web) to subset (extract) products n …
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Service V2 n For V0 and V1 : FTSS finalised n For V2 (October 2012): possibility of improvements and updates from user requests. Internal MyOcean process for this.
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 From services V0 to V1 n Service V0 : we do what our best –46 product lines available on catalogue –online catalogue at –web “search” facility to look at products –Products available through web and service desk –One point of contact for user : service desk –Service done from Production Units –registration of a user through a sla From T0+6 (30 October) –MyOcean licence applies
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 n Service done from production units : This means each product you want will have its own delivery time, availability and problem will be arranged depending on the provider. Some products have quality controls, others not n Registration of user through a sla For service V0 : low commitments from MyOcean, this will be specified on sla. No guarantee on availability. Users are β-tester
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 n myOcean licence applies (from T0+6, 30 October) No changes from now about getting MyOcean products –if you get them from a MyOcean partner for example- BUT MyOcean licence applies –open and free- and not anymore the production unit licence
Marine Core Service MyOcean users meeting – Sept 2009 Added value products n A user cannot distribute MyOcean product n He can distribute his own products made up of MyOcean products = he needs to put some added value before distributing products n A user will give feedback to MyOcean of the use of products This is in MyOcean licence This will be described in the sla. this could evolve from one service version to another one (eg : V0 : MyOcean products are only in netcdf files, other format is added value ; V1 : netcdf + jpeg files are MyOcean products then jpeg is not anymore added value)