Enterprise Human Resource Services Customer Utility Board Meeting 5 March 2014
Data reporting performance Metrics being measured Road Ahead Summary
Data Reporting Performance
SLA#1Average time from requisition to fill Your logo here
SLA #2 Average turnaround time to deliver a customized PPDB report Your logo here EHRS Quarterly Metrics- SLA Performance Measure #2 10/1/ /31/2013BRANDONTAMEHRS PPDB AD HOC TOTAL AD-HOC REQUESTS DAYS TO COMPLETE AVERAGE TAT DAYS
Process in development SLA #3 Availability of Human Resources Client Agency Managers
EHRS SLA MEASURE - Average time to provide employee investigation recommendations Period beginningPeriod end Total number of Business Days Number of investigations with recommendations in this quarter SLA MEASURE Average number of business days to provide employee investigation recommendations 10/1/201312/31/ /1/20143/31/ /1/20146/30/201400#DIV/0! 7/1/20149/30/201400#DIV/0! 10/1/201412/31/201400#DIV/0! 1/1/20153/31/201500#DIV/0! 4/1/20156/30/201500#DIV/0! 7/1/20159/30/201500#DIV/0! 10/1/201512/31/201500#DIV/0! Today's date 3/5/2014 Number of open investigations 3 Average # of days ongoing / open investigations have been open 74 SLA #4 Average time to conduct investigations and provide recommendations
SLA #5 Average time between receipt of customer request for i-Learn technical support and resolution Your logo here
SLA #6 Average time between receipt of customer request for E-Recruit technical support and resolution
Your logo here No tracking provided Aug-Oct 13 due to lack of expected parameters
QuestionsIndividual Scores Average Score The outcomes/objectives of the course were clearly defined Participation and interaction were encouraged The topics covered were relevant to my responsibilities The content was organized and easy to follow The trainer was knowledgeable about the training topics The trainer was well prepared The time allotted for the training was sufficient The meeting room and facilities were adequate and comfortable Overall, how would you rate the training event? Ranking Lessons Learned: 1=Poor Review handouts in detail before class to ensure all pages are present. 2=Fair 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent SLA #7 Quality of training content developed by EHRS
Requesting Agency/ UnitEHRS Staff member DATE 1: Date Classification Review Request is received (see definitions) DATE 2: Date Classification Review Recommendations are delivered (see definitions) Number of business days since classification review was opened Comments # Business Days for classification reviews with recommendations OSACMiller14-Oct17-Oct Establish a position 4 Real EstateMiller15-Oct21-Oct Abolish position/Establish position5 ODOTMiller15-Oct5-Nov Desk Audit16 DAS-EAMMiller15-Oct17-Oct Upward Reclassification3 DAS-EAMMiller15-Oct17-Oct Downward Reclassification3 DAS-DBSMiller28-Oct29-Oct Establish LD position2 DAS-COOO'Bryant15-Nov29-Nov Provided PD feedback to supervisor10 OEIBO'Bryant15-Nov22-Nov PD Review6 BOAO'Bryant18-Nov PD Review1 DOGAMIO'Bryant18-Nov19-Nov PD Review2 DAS-CHROO'Bryant19-Nov Upward Reclassification1 DAS-COOO'Bryant20-Nov10-Dec Establish LD position14 DAS-EGSO'Bryant20-Nov Upward Reclassification1 DAS-ETSO'Bryant21-Nov2-Dec PD Review7 DAS-COOO'Bryant27-Nov4-Dec PD Review5 PSRBO'Bryant27-Nov2-Dec PD Review3 OSACO'Bryant3-Dec PD Review1 HECCO'Bryant3-Dec20-Dec PD Review14 ERBO'Bryant5-Dec13-Jan PD Review DAS-EAMO'Bryant9-Dec PD Review1 LPBO'Bryant11-Dec PD Review1 State LibraryO'Bryant13-Dec PD Review1 DAS-ETSO'Bryant16-Dec PD Review1 DAS-ETSO'Bryant20-Dec31-Dec PD Review7 DAS-EAMO'Bryant30-Dec Desk Audit1 HECCO'Bryant30-Dec31-Dec PD Review2 DAS-ETSO'Bryant6-Jan9-Jan PD Review DAS-EGSO'Bryant7-Jan PD Review DAS-DBSO'Bryant31-Jan3-Feb PD Review OBMTO'Bryant7-Feb10-Feb PD Review Racing CommissionO'Bryant7-Feb10-Feb PD Review SLA #8 Average time to conduct a reclassification