1 Ladder assembly steps HFT PIXEL updated for ultimate chip ladders 2/12/2012 ladder fixture u.SLDASM
2 ladder assembly with frame assembly frame full flex cable before cutting off ends
3 ladder exploded view cable bundle drivers pixel chips adhesive wire bonds capacitors adhesive composite backer kapton flex cable
4 order of assembly cable bundle drivers pixel chips adhesive composite backer kapton flex cable
5 details of ladder sandwich, end view pixel chips capacitors carbon composite ladder backing soft acrylic adhesive flex kapton cable soft acrylic adhesive wire bonds adhesive extends past bonded element to avoid bulge due to adhesive pucker Carbon composite recessed to give room for vacuum chuck backing of kapton and silicon while wire bonding backer to sector beam adhesive
6 ladder assembly fixture 3/8 OD tube connection to vacuum ¾ ID tube connection to 1 gallon vacuum ballast tank vacuum release valve for hold down of the vacuum chucks vacuum distribution manifold
7 fixture parts (SLA and aluminum) for bonding silicon chips v chuck chip u.SLDPRT chip adhesive stop u.SLDPRT chip stop u.SLDPRT end drop chip.SLDPRT
8 fixture parts for bonding composite backer v chuck backer u.SLDPRT backer adhesive stop u.SLDPRT backer stop u.SLDPRT end drop backer.SLDPRT
9 install chip vacuum chuck install chip vacuum chuck against stops (arrow toward arrow) open valve to vacuum lock down line.
10 attach chip adhesive to kapton cable install chip adhesive stop u.SLDPRT and lock down if necessary with vacuum position paper backed adhesive and pull down with 10 vacuum lines strip top backing paper position ladder and lock down with vacuum position end drop chip.SLDPRT and lock with vacuum work kapton down on adhesive release adhesive hold down vacuum release ladder and “end pull down” vacuum remove ladder and maybe seat adhesive with vacuum bag
11 install backer vacuum chuck release and remove chip vacuum chuck –note: since this is an O ring seal it may be necessary to use vacuum release valve (see page 6) install backer vacuum chuck against stops (arrow toward arrow) open valve to vacuum lock down
12 backer adhesive to kapton cable install backer adhesive stop u.SLDPRT and lock down if necessary with vacuum position paper backed adhesive and pull down with vacuum (chp 1) strip top backing paper position ladder and lock down with vacuum position “end pull down” and lock with vacuum work kapton down on adhesive release adhesive hold down vacuum release ladder and “end pull down” vacuum remove ladder and maybe seat adhesive with vacuum bag
13 attach backer to kapton cable position and lock down backer stop u.SLDPRT lock down backer on vacuum chuck, may require backing tape on composite if porous strip adhesive backing paper position ladder on reference pins and pull down with vacuum position “end pull down” and lock with vacuum work kapton down on backer, must push down on chips release backer hold down vacuum release ladder and “end pull down” vacuum remove ladder and seat chips and backer with vacuum bag
14 attach chips to kapton cable switch to v chuck chip u.SLDPRT position and lock down chip stop butt chips one at time against chip stop u.SLDPRT and neighbor chip and lock down with vacuum. strip adhesive backing paper position ladder on reference pins and pull down with vacuum position “chip end pull down” and lock with vacuum work kapton down on chips release chip hold down vacuum release ladder and “end pull down” vacuum remove ladder and seat chips and backer with vacuum bag
comments Both SLA vacuum chucks have been modified to fit ultimate ladders Reference holes on the flex PC carrier extensions have been moved to be compatible with the ladder to sector bonding tools. That change is accommodated here with adjustments in the SLA vacuum chucks. New stops are of aluminum, replacing SLA pieces. If the SLA vacuum chuck is flat enough then stops for the backer could also be used for the chip and chip adhesive bonding steps. The chip vacuum chuck has holes reduced from 1.5 mm to.75 mm These instructions do not include Mario’s notes. It would be desirable to include his notes, but they are probably not currently in electronic form 15