Carnaval By Benji Sampson
What is it? Takes place in mexico, begins on march fifth. It is celebrated as an official mexican holiday. It celebrates libido,before the catholic lent.
Celebration Carnaval is celebrated by massive parades, beautiful floats and festive dancing in the streets. Participants will decorate their houses and the streets with decorations in accordance with the event. It is widely celebrated throughout Mexico.
History The Lenten period occurs in the Liturgical year Church calendar, and it occurs directly six weeks before Easter, it is marked by fasting and other festive practices. Traditionally during Lent, no parties or other celebrations were held, and people didn't eat rich foods, such as meat, dairy, fats and sugar. The forty days of Lent, celebrating the Gospel accounts of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, to serve to mark an annual time of turning. In the days before Lent, all rich food and drink were thrown out. The consumption of this, in a giant party that involved the whole community, is thought to be the origin of Carnival.
Pàrrafo Me encantaría celebrar con los nativos. ¡Creo que sería divertido!Todos los colores y las luces son impresionantes. El desfile sería el mejor en mi opinión. Me encantaría participar en el festival