Pricing and capital allocation for unit-linked life insurance contracts with minimum death guarantee C. Frantz, X. Chenut and J.F. Walhin Secura Belgian Re
The problem Sum at risk Financial index S t Time t Insurer’s liability for a death at time t: How to price it ? Capital allocation ?
Two approaches … The financer: it is a contingent claim Solution: hedging on the financial market Black-Scholes put pricing formula The actuary: it is an insurance contract Solution: equivalence principle Expected value of future losses
… and two risk managements Financial approach : hedging on financial markets Actuarial approach : reserving and raising capital
Agenda Actuarial vs financial pricing Monte Carlo simulations Cash flow model Open questions
First question: actuarial or financial pricing? Hypotheses : –Complete and arbitrage-free financial market –Constant risk-free interest rate –Financial index follows a GBM: Simple expressions for the single pure premium in both approaches
Single pure premiums Actuarial pricing : Financial pricing : with
Monte Carlo simulations Goal : distribution of the future costs 3 processes to simulate : –Financial index –Death process –Hedging strategy (financial approach only)
Probability distribution functions 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0, Discounted future costs Actuarial Financial
Sensitivity analysis
Conclusion Financial approach is better BUT only makes sense if the hedging strategy is applied ! Difficult to put into practice (especially for the reinsurer) Conclusion : actuarial approach has to be used
Second question : How to fix the price ? Base : single pure premium + Loading for « risk » Answer : cash flow model
Cash flow model Insurance contract = investment by the shareholders Investment decision: cash flow model Price P fixed according to the NPV criterion
Open questions How much capital to allocate? How to release it through time? What is the cost of capital?
Risk measures and capital allocation Coherent risk measures (Artzner et al.) Conditional tail expectation (CTE): where Capital to be allocated at time t:
One-period vs multiperiodic risk measures Problem: intermediate actions during development of risk Addressed recently in by Artzner et al. Capital at time t : –to cover all the discounted future losses? –to pay the losses for x years and set up provisions at the end of the period? We applied the one-period risk measure to the distribution of future losses at each time t
Simulation of provisions and capital –Tree simulations Two possibilities: –Independent trajectories
Independent trajectories P(t) K(t) t = 1
Tree simulations P 1 (t) K 1 (t) P N (t) K N (t) t = 1
Comparison with non-life reinsurance business Number of claims : Poisson( ) Severity of claim : Pareto(A, ) Let vary Fix so that we obtain the same pure premium Compare premium with both models For usual values of , results not significantly different
Cost of capital CAPM : What is the for this contract? –Same for the whole company? –Specific for this line of business? How to estimate it?
Conclusions Actuarial approach Pricing and capital allocation using simulations Other questions: –Asset model: GBM, regime switching models, (G)ARCH, …? –Risk measure? Threshold ? –Capital allocation and release through time?