MODY: MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG Stefan S. Fajans, MD University of Michigan May 2004
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) 1975 Definition Type-2 diabetes mellitus in the young plus Autosomal dominant inheritance
Current Definition of MODY A heterogeneous disorder due to heterozygous monogenic mutations in one of at least 6 different genes Onset of diabetes early in life: childhood, adolescence, young adulthood Autosomal dominant inheritance Primary defect in insulin secretion
Heterozygous Gene Mutations Identified in MODY Name (Year) GeneChromosome Name (Year) GeneChromosome MODY1 (1991) HNF-4 20q MODY2 (1993) Glucokinase 7p MODY3 (1996) HNF-1 12q MODY4 (1997) IPF-1 (PDX-1) 13q MODY5 (1997) HNF-1 17q MODY6 (1999) Neuro-D1 / BETA-2 2q HNF = Hepatocyte nuclear factor IPF = Insulin promoter factor PDX-1 = Pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1
Homozygous Mutations of MODY-Related Genes Permanent neonatal diabetes (PND) results from homozygous mutations of Glucokinase gene Insulin promoter factor (IPF-1) gene
MODY-Related Proteins [1/4] Glucokinase Expressed in -cells and liver Catalyzes transfer of phosphate from ATP to glucose, generating glucose-6- phosphate, a rate-limiting step in glucose metabolism “Glucose sensor” in -cells Facilitates glycogen synthesis in the liver
MODY-Related Proteins [2/4] Liver-enriched transcription factors HNF-1 , HNF-1 , and HNF-4 Expressed in liver and other organs, including pancreatic islets, kidneys and genitalia Part of a network of transcription factors that function together to control expression of multiple genes Regulate expression of the insulin gene, and genes of proteins involved in glucose transport and metabolism, and mitochondrial metabolism
MODY-Related Proteins [3/4] Transcription factor IPF-1 Expressed in pancreatic islets Regulates transcription of a variety of genes, including genes for insulin, somatostatin, islet amyloid polypeptide, glucokinase, and GLUT-2 Mediates glucose-induced stimulation of insulin-gene transcription
MODY-Related Proteins [4/4] Transcription factor Neuro-D1 (BETA2) Expressed in pancreatic islets Activates the transcription of the insulin gene Required for normal development of the pancreatic islets
Distinguishing Clinical Characteristics of MODY and Type 2 Diabetes (DM2) [1/2] Mode of inheritance MODY: Monogenic, autosomal dominant DM2: Polygenic Age of onset MODY: Childhood, adolescence, usually <25 years DM2: Usually years; occasionally in obese adolescents Pedigree MODY: Multi-generational DM2: Rarely multi-generational
Distinguishing Clinical Characteristics of MODY and Type 2 Diabetes [2/2] Penetrance MODY: % DM2: Variable (10-40 %) Body habitus MODY: Not obese DM2: Usually obese Dysmetabolic syndrome MODY: Absent DM2: Usually present
MODY1 (HNF-4 Mutation): Pedigree RW, Branch W, Offspring of II-5 – III IV V IV V V IV 147 II – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – 11 + – Tested and normal Type 1 diabetes 146 5vv 5 7 N N R + presence (NM), or – absence (NN) of gene mutation. ? MIPVD-A N, Np, R-B, MI PVD-A-G PVD-AR 2 MI 52 – I III I G 5 5 Multiple offspring R-BPVD-A III II I I
MODY1 (HNF-4 Mutation): Pedigree RW, Branch W, Offspring of II-2 2 III IV V II Tested and normal – – – – – –+ + +– – – + + +– ––++––+ PVD MIPVD-A + presence (NM) or – absence (NN) of gene mutation Type 2 diabetes RN ––
Phenotypic Expression and Natural History of MODY Recognition at young age Under age 25 years 7-13 years or younger, if sought by glucose testing in younger generations Not progressive, or slowly progressive Hyperglycemia responsive to diet and/or oral anti-hyperglycemic agents for years to decades May progress to insulin-requiring diabetes (not insulin-dependent or ketosis-prone) May progress rapidly from young age onward
MODY1 (HNF-4 Mutation): Plasma Glucose & Insulin Levels During OGTT (0.75 g/kg BW) in Groups of RW Pedigree
MODY1 (HNF-4 Mutation): Possible Early Defects in Insulin Secretion & Action in RW Pedigree Methods: Bergman’s minimal model: Frequently sampled IV GTT Polonsky’s low-dose glucose infusion to measure insulin secretion rate (ISR) & pulse analysis Conclusions: Non-diabetic members: Deranged and deficient insulin secretion; no insulin resistance. Apparently the primary inherited abnormality causing susceptibility to diabetes. Diabetic members: Deranged and deficient insulin secretion; any decrease in insulin action is secondary to hyperglycemia
Frequently Sampled IVGTT in Nondiabetic (–) & Diabetic (+) Marker Members of R-W Pedigree (MODY1; HNF-4 )
Pulsatile Insulin Secretion & Fluctuations in Plasma Glucose During Constant Glucose Infusion in 3 Members of the R-W Pedigree
Protocol for the Stepped Glucose Infusion Method to Determine Insulin Secretion Rate Time (Minutes)
Insulin Secretion Rate (ISR) in MODY1 (HNF-4 Mutation); RW Pedigree GLUCOSE (mmol/L)
Insulin Secretion Rate (ISR) in MODY2 Subjects (Glucokinase Mutations) N= 6
Insulin Secretion Rate in Nondiabetic MODY3 Subjects (HNF-1 Mutation)
Insulin Secretion Rate in Diabetic & Nondiabetic MODY3 (HNF-1 Mutation) and Control Subjects
Insulin Secretion Rate in MODY1, MODY2 & MODY3, and Control Subjects
Comparison of Insulin Secretion Dynamics in Three MODY Subtypes MODY1 MODY2 MODY3 Prediabetic Mildly diabetic Prediabetic Plasma glucose concentration, at which insulin secretion rate (ISR) is reduced: >7 mM 8 mM Glucose priming of insulin secretion rate (ISR) : Absent Normal Normal