ELLA Early Literacy Learning in Arkansas Phonological Awareness/ Phonemic Awareness Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Awareness Survey Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Put Reading First Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in words. PRF, p. 2 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
General Progression Of Phonological Awareness Skills Word Awareness Rhyme Alliteration Syllable Onset/Rime Phoneme Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Four Part Mental Processing Model Context Processor Meaning Processor Orthographic Processor Phonological Processor Speech Print Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print, Marilyn Jagar Adams Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Processor Phonological Tasks Word Awareness Rhyme Alliteration Syllable Onset and Rime Phoneme Phonemic Tasks Identity Isolation Blending Segmentation Addition Substitution Deletion Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Sample Kindergarten Schedule 8:00-8:15 Familiar Reading 8:15-8:30 Circle Time/Modeled Writing 8:30-8:50 Shared Reading 8:50-9:00 Phonemic Awareness 9:00-9:20 Letter Identification/Sound Work 9:20-10:20 Small Group Reading Instruction/Literacy Centers 10:20-10:35 Read Aloud 10:35-11:20 Lunch and Recess 11:20-12:00 Writing 12:00-1:00 Math 1:00-2:00 Activity 2:00-3:00 Science/Social Studies Content Unit Work 3:00-3:15 Culminating Activities Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Sample First Grade Schedule 8:00-8:20 Familiar Reading 8:20-8:40 Shared Reading 8:40-9:10 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Spelling 9:10-10:10 Small Group Reading Instruction 10:10-10:30 Read Aloud 10:30-11:00 Writing 11:00-11:40 Lunch and Recess 11:40-12:00 Writing (continued) 12:00-1:00 Math 1:00-2:00 Science/Social Studies Content Unit Work 2:00-3:00 Activity 3:00-3:15 Culminating Activities Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Gradual Release of Responsibility Teacher Modeling Student Responsibility Guided Practice Independent Practice Teacher Support Application Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Explicit, Systematic Phonemic Awareness Instruction Target only one type of phonemic awareness during a lesson. Begin with easier activities and progress to more difficult ones. Model each activity. Link phoneme instruction to phonics lesson. Make the connection between letters and sounds to read and spell words. Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14 34
Listening Listening games help young children to listen actively, attentively, and analytically. PAYC, p. 15 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Development Word Awareness once upon a time We can listen. PAYC, p. 39 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Development hat/pat bell/ball/boy Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Rhyme and Alliteration PAYC p. 29, 30 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Rhyme Stories invite students to use meaning and rhythm to notice and predict rhyming words. PAYC p. 31 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Alliteration focuses attention on initial phonemes. Bob buys bananas by bunches. PAYC, p. 59 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Development nap kin news pa per ver y Syllable PAYC p. 49 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Development m ay w in pl ate b ank Onset /Rime Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Phonological Development /c/ /a/ /t/ /b/ /l/ /o/ /k/ /ch/ /a/ /t/ Phoneme Phonemic Awareness Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
General Progression of Phoneme Awareness Skills DELETION SUBSTITUTION ADDITION SEGMENTATION BLENDING ISOLATION IDENTITY Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects STANDARDS FOR English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects K-5 Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Assessments DIBELS: PSF Phonological Screener Program Specific Assessments Phonemic Awareness in Young Children http://teams.lacoe.edu/reading/assessments/assessments.html Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Consider Diversity: English Language Learners Capitalize on native language ability. Teach blending, segmenting, and manipulating individual phonemes and syllables. Accept oral approximations. Focus on words students already know. Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Model: Lesson Planning Process Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
ACTIVITY Plan Explicit Lesson Within Group Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
How Does Phonological Awareness Help Readers/Writers? Decoding Words Oral Language/Vocabulary Development Auditory Memory Metacognition Rehearsal During Writing Process Syntax/Grammar Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14
Revisit phonological survey Reflect on new learning Reflection Revisit phonological survey Reflect on new learning Arkansas Department of Education ELLA 2013-14