Economic Viability of a Varroa IPM System Keith S. Delaplane, James D. Ellis University of Georgia
Concluded Colonies with resistant queens and screen bottoms tend to: Have fewer mites, especially at seasons when mite depredation is most severe, Have delayed onset of economic threshold.
... and detected Favorable compensatory interactions: Between resistant queens and screens, Between queens and screens and non-isolated apiaries.
2 years
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators colonies each
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators colonies each 3 treatments within apiary
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators colonies each 3 treatments within apiary –chemical: Feb and Aug chemical
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators colonies each 3 treatments within apiary –chemical: Feb and Aug chemical –IPM: bottom screen + Russian
Design 2 years 6 beekeeper collaborators colonies each 3 treatments within apiary –chemical: Feb and Aug chemical –IPM: bottom screen + Russian –Control: no chemical or IPM, non-selected
Design Monitored: –Mite fall –Onset of threshold –Honey yield –Time spent working colonies –Queen loss (replaced as found)
Excluding colonies treatment threshold
screens 31.5 Colony work
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies:
Compared favorably for average mite levels,
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies: Compared favorably for average mite levels, Compared favorably for onset of threshold,
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies: Had highest honey production,
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies: Had highest honey production, Had highest total work hours,
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies: Had highest honey production, Had highest total work hours, Fewest colony deaths, and
Conclusions Compared to control colonies or chemical colonies, IPM colonies: Lowest queen replacement rate.