Neuroscience & Behavior Program Robert J. Polewan & John W. Moore* University of Massachusetts Amherst COMPOUND CONDITIONING UNDER TEMPORAL UNCERTAINTY
2 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Compound Conditioning Under Temporal Uncertainty Eyeblink conditioning has long been a model for understanding behavioral and physiological processes of learning, memory, and performance. The present research extends our previous studies of rabbit eyeblink conditioning under temporal uncertainty to compound conditioning.
3 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Temporal Uncertainty Training Rabbits were trained to make eyeblink conditioned responses (CRs) to a compound conditioned stimulus (CS) consisting of a tone (T) and a light (L) presented simultaneously an reinforced with an unconditioned stimulus (US). This training involved a mixture of two CS-US intervals. On some trials, the US occurred 300 ms after CS onset; on other trials, the US occurred 700 ms after CS onset.
4 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Temporal Uncertainty Training Randomly mixing trials with these CS-US intervals produced bimodal CR waveforms with amplitude peaks located at the two temporal loci of the US, temporal windows centered at 300 and 700 ms.
5 Neuroscience & Behavior Program TD (CSC) model Sutton and Barto’s (1990) TD (CSC) model is a representational system capable of describing the complex conditioned response waveforms instilled through training under temporal uncertainty. The model assumes a delay-line timing structure.
6 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Delay-line Timing Structure Basic tapped delay-line. Injection of CS input begins sequential propagation of signal through a delay-line. Each synapse (—<) introduces a delay; the total delay from activation of the first element in the delay-line to the last element is a direct function of the number of sequential synapses. Taps from the delay-line units send timing information to higher-order processing units.
7 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Compound Conditioning Under Temporal Uncertainty Like the Rescorla-Wagner model, the TD (CSC) model assumes that CR performance to a compound stimulus is the sum of the “associative strengths” of the components. In order to test this assumption, it is necessary to specify how the theoretical indices of CR associative strength map onto real measures of performance such as CR amplitude.
8 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Compound Conditioning Under Temporal Uncertainty Summation of CR amplitudes to component stimuli should reconstitute the CR waveforms obtained under compound conditioning. Deviations from a “simple summation” rule should indicate shortcomings and point the way to improving the model.
9 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Compound Conditioning Under Temporal Uncertainty Factors that could challenge a simple summation rule for reconstituting a compound CR waveform from its components include Configuring/patterning Overshadowing Transfer from prior training. In addition, floor effects (thresholds) and ceiling effects (saturation) could complicate assessment of the model in terms of CR amplitudes.
10 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Pretraining Prior to compound conditioning training half of the 24 rabbits were pretrained to one CS (predominantly a light) at one of the two CS-US intervals. Pretrained rabbits were run concurrently with yoked control rabbits.
11 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Averaged Topographical CR Waveforms
12 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Averaged Topographical CR Waveforms
13 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Peak Amplitudes in Decomposition Mean peak amplitudes (+SE) to TL-, L-, and T- for the 12 pretrained (PRE) and 12 control rabbits (CONT) at both peak locations in the fourth session-block of training.
14 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Decomposition Peak Latencies Shifts Mean peak latencies (+SE) to TL-, L-, and T- for 12 pretrained (PRE) and 12 control rabbits (CONT) at both peak locations in the fourth session-block of training.
15 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Proportional Contribution Mean proportional contribution of T- to the compound waveform for both pretrained subjects (PRE) and control subjects (CONT).
16 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Gain Factors Mean gain factors of T- and L- for pretrained subjects (PRE) and control subjects (CONT).
17 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Sum of Squared Deviations Mean (+SE) Sum of Squared Deviations (SSDs) for pretrained (n = 12) and control rabbits (n = 12) for nine combination rules in the last block of sessions.
18 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Summary of Findings Decomposition slowed the initiation of the motor program representing CR waveforms. The latency of initiation was greater for the light than the tone, consistent with the tone’s greater salience, as indexed by the tones greater proportional contribution to the compound. Decomposition did not affect other features of component CR waveforms, as inter-peak intervals remained unchanged.
19 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Summary of Findings The slower initiation of the motor program did not result in a later “catching up” such that the second amplitude peak appeared within the 700- ms temporal window. Nor did the slower initiation result a greater temporal separation of amplitude peaks. In terms of the spreading activation account of CR topography proposed by the TD (CSC) model, the speed of propagation remained the unchanged.
20 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Discussion The slower initiation of component CR waveforms following compound conditioning may reflect a “processing cost.” Pearce has suggested that compound CSs are gestalts, and that changes in performance to component stimuli are “generalization decrements.” If so, the costs of decomposition did not extend to CR amplitudes, as amplitudes adhered to a summation combination rule.
21 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Acknowledgments Moore Lab Vanessa Castagna Jamy Gaynor Jordan Marks Tony Rauhut June-Seek Choi Marcy Rosenfield Thank You
22 Neuroscience & Behavior Program
23 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Summation Experiment Rabbits were trained with individual CSs, with each CS trained at a different CS-US interval (light at 300 ms and tone at 700 ms). The two CSs were only presented together on probe trials.
24 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Averaged Summation CR Waveforms
25 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Pretrained & Control Summation Rabbits
26 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Summation Results Waveforms to compound CS showed a unimodal peak that was between the component peaks in both amplitude and latency. The peak amplitude favored the more salient tone CS resulting in a “Performance Overshadowing Effect.”
27 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Performance Overshadowing/ Summated Generalization The characteristic waveform for one stimulus (tone) is dominated the characteristic waveform for the other stimulus (light) because of the tone’s higher salience, even though the light stimulus is pretrained. One possible explanation for the intermediate temporal position of the peak is summated generalization, similar to summated generalization along dimensions such as auditory frequency (Moore, 1972).
28 Neuroscience & Behavior Program
29 Neuroscience & Behavior Program Effects of Pretraining Mean peak amplitudes (+SE) to TL-, L-, and T- for the 6 rabbits pretrained to light at the 300-ms ISI (PRE) and their 6 yoked controls (CONT) at both peak locations in the fourth session-block of training.