The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Get Involved!
What is the Award? Challenging programme of activities New skills, help others, experience adventure Great sense of achievement Universities and Employers recognition Gold Award recognised for UCAS
What does it involve? 3 levels Bronze Silver Gold 4 sections Service Skills Physical Recreation Expeditions Wide choice of activities Your own pace No pressure
Who is it for? years No special qualifications Just a willingness to have a go
What will I get out of it? Self belief Sense of identity Sense of responsibility New talents and abilities Use time effectively Problem solving skills Strengths and weaknesses Self confidence Independence Awareness of potential New relationships Lead and work in a team Learn from and give to others in the community
Service To individuals and to the community Child care Conservation Ambulance service Charity fund raising Life saving Accident prevention
Skills Animals keeping Bell ringing (campanology) Candle making Chess Cookery Genealogy Photography
Physical Recreation Archery Dragon boat racing Fencing Lacrosse Riding Tennis Yoga
Expeditions Enterprise and imagination Forethought, attention to detail, organisation First aid, camp craft, navigation, team building Shared responsibility Determination to complete it!
Expeditions Bronze: 2 days 1 night 24 km/15 miles Complete 2 other sections before Summer Additional DGGS expeditions enrolment fee
Further information Enrolment Enrolment form KYC fee for entrance pack and record book Cheques payable to KCC Take to Finance office by closing date