GEOLOGY OF THE PIEDMONT IN NEW JERSEY J. Michael Pollock New Jersey Audubon Adapted for Summer Field Studies 2012
CHRONOLOGIC HISTORY Reading “Prong” HIGHLANDS Newark “Prong” Manhattan Schist Precambrian (>570 MYbp) Paleozoic ( MYbp) Triassic/Jurassic ( MYbp) Cretaceous ( MYbp) Tertiary ( MYbp)
Pangaea About 200 Million years ago New Jersey (approx)
Continental Rifting—Part 1 New Jersey—about 200 MYbp and following Basaltic magma rises along rift valley faults
Steens Mountain (Southeast Oregon) NEW JERSEY IN THE TRIASSIC?
TRIASSIC/JURASSIC Rifting of the Continent of Pangaea Mid-continent desert Development of a basin bounded by faults Filling of (Newark Basin) with sediments shed from the Appalachian Mountains
TRIASSIC/JURASSIC Rifting of the Continent of Pangaea Mid-continent desert Development of a basin bounded by faults Filling of (Newark) basin with sediments shed from Appalachian Mountains Basalt lava flows (Watchung ridges) Emplacement of “intrusive” magma (Palisades, Sourland Mtn) Early Dinosaurs
Duke Farms Sourland Mtn. Round Valley Chimney Rock
Hudson River Palisade Sill (red) Ramapo Fault First Watchung ridge Newark Basin (North--cross-section today) Highlands
NEWARK BASIN (South--cross-section today) Normal Faults Basin filled (and deformed) as it formed
GEOLOGIC MAP FOR DUKE FARMS/SOURLAND MOUNTAIN Duke Farms (fenced area) Sourland Mountain (Somerset Co. Park) South Branch outcrop PIEDMONT UNITS Jurassic diabase Triassic red shale (Passaic) Triassic gray shale (Passaic) Triassic gray shale (Lockatong)