Welcome! Duke University Talent Identification Program
Founded in 1980 Self-supporting, non-profit, educational organization Duke TIP identifies academically talented young people and offers them a wide array of fulfilling educational opportunities What is the Duke University Talent Identification Program?
Talent Search Regions
Why be a part of the 7 th grade Talent Search? Learn about your abilities Get a head start on college entrance exams (SAT and ACT) Interact with other academically talented students Attend ceremonies honoring top SAT and ACT performers
Additional benefits offered by Duke TIP... Educational Resource Handbook Sections for parents and students Guidance for above-level test taking Strategies for working with schools Information about preparing for college Resources to help students use their academic ability more effectively Educational options for gifted students
Educational Opportunity Guide Directory of over 400 summer and academic-year programs for gifted and talented students National and international programs Additional benefits offered by Duke TIP...
Additional benefits... Results Summary Allows students to compare their achievement level with other gifted 7th graders who took the SAT/ACT in the Talent Search
n ACT u Measures academic achievement u More closely tied to high school curriculum or direct exposure to subject matter u 4 multiple choice sections: Math, English, Reading, Science u Composite score addresses total performance 36 max score for each section n SAT u Measures critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving u 3 multiple choice sections: Math, Critical Reading, Writing u Scaled scores 800 max score for each section SAT vs. ACT
n Bottom Line: Whichever seems best for you! n University acceptance u most institutions accept both, but be sure! n Cost u ACT: $55 u SAT: $69 (due to additional writing section) SAT vs. ACT n Convenience of testing site or test dates u test popularity in your region of the country Both tests are excellent instruments for finding out more about your child’s academic abilities
n Math u 70 minutes (two 25-min. sections and one 20-min. section) u Covers numbers and operations; algebra and functions; geometry; statistics, probability, and data analysis n Critical Reading (formally the Verbal Section) u 70 minutes (two 25-min. sections & one 20-min. section) u Includes short and long reading passages with passage-based questions and sentence-completion questions n Writing u 60 minutes u Includes multiple choice questions (35 min.) and a written essay (25 min.) The New SAT
INSIGHTS Newsletter Articles of interest and fun activities for gifted students Sent each fall and spring through 10 th grade Additional benefits offered by Duke TIP...
The College Guide Features selected U.S. colleges and universities Information about applying and getting in to college Electronically accessible Additional benefits offered by Duke TIP...
Financial Aid Over $1,000,000 awarded in 2005 Need-based Partial to full coverage for most programs Talent Search Fee Grants
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