William, duke of Normady.
William, was born in falaise normandy and was buried in abbey, a city in france. Map of England in 1065 AD.
What did he do? William became a duke at the age of seven after his father died in 1047 In 1066 William went into the battle of Hastings and took control of England. This was something new because he was a duke of a different counrty but then declared himself king of England.
This is a painting of the battle of hastings.
This was the flag of normandy when william was of power.
Dover Castle stands as one of the earliest castles built by William the Conqueror after his conquest of Anglo-Saxon England.
This is a painting of williams wife matilda her and william had nine children.
After william died he split his land between to of his sons, the oldest robert got normandy and the second oldest, william the 2 nd got England.
My sources. lliam_i_king.shtml lliam_i_king.shtml didnt-know-about-william-the-conqueror didnt-know-about-william-the-conqueror heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/dover- castle/#Left heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/dover- castle/#Left