June 17, 2013 St Michael’s Cathedral Parish Hall, 65 Bond Street 6:30 pm to 8:00pm St Michael Catholic School Community Meeting
Meeting Agenda Welcome Address & Prayer Introductions Update of engineering report with recommendation for repairs to St Michael school floor slab (Presentation by TCHC) Impact to School Community: Impacted Areas and estimated duration for repair work (Presentation by TCDSB Staff) Options for School Relocation during Structural Repair Work (Presentation by TCDSB Staff) School relocation options during repair work Arrangements for Bussing ( Arrangements for Childcare Communication plan for summer and duration of construction (Presentation by TCDSB Staff) ( Questions
Board Approved Recommendation 1. That, should relocation be necessary, the Director of Education, in consultation with the community implement the relocation of all St. Michael CS students in September 2013 to either: a) Sacré Coeur located at 25 Linden Street, or b) Duke of York PS located at 20 Regent Street 2. That, should relocation be necessary, a) That transportation be provided, in accordance with the Board Transportation Policy, to the chosen relocation site. b) That staff investigate provision of child care at the chosen relocation site. Date of Board Approval: June 6, 2013 ( Corporate Affairs, Strategic Planning and Property Committee)
School Relocation Options
Location Map Distance from St Michael Sacré Coeur: 3.3 km Duke of York: 1.7 km
Sacré Coeur – Ortho (2011)
Sacré Coeur – Pros & Cons CRITERIAPROSCONS SIZE 165 pupil places DISTANCE FROM ST. MICHAEL 3.3 km TRANSPORTATION 3 buses 30 minute drive-time COST Transportation - $120,000 Moving - $10,000 Renewal - $75,000 FACILITIES Vacant Facility Owned by TCDSB 9 teaching spaces and 1 portable remaining on site. Operational as a school until June 2012 Building requires some maintenance prior to occupancy (work required regardless of occupancy)
Sacré Coeur - Site Plan
Sacré Coeur – 1 st Floor Plan
Sacré Coeur – 2 nd Floor Plan
Duke of York Jr PS – Ortho (2011)
Duke of York Jr PS – Pros & Cons CRITERIAPROSCONS SIZE 604 pupil places DISTANCE FROM ST. MICHAEL 1.7 km TRANSPORTATION 3 buses Shortest drive-time COST Transportation - $120, 000 Moving - $10,000 Base Rent – Subject to negotiation Additional Operations Cost - ~$635,575/annum FACILITIES Vacant Facility There is sufficient space in Duke of York to accommodate all St. Michael students. Owned by TDSB Duke of York P.S. was declared surplus to the needs of the TDSB on November 16, 2011 TLC received Conditional Offer to Purchase with a due diligence date of May 31, 2013
Duke of York Jr PS – 1 st Floor Plan
Duke of York Jr PS – 2 nd Floor Plan
Duke of York Jr PS – 3 rd Floor Plan
Arrangements for Bussing
Arrangements for Childcare
Communication Plan
St. Michael School Website
Can the board confirm, unequivocally, that St Michael’s will be re-opened after the repair work is complete? What are the drivers for keeping the school open? What guarantees can the board provide in terms of the school repair timelines? Can we get some assurance that no more than one school year will be lost? What is the process for scoping/tendering and scheduling the work? How long will this process take? When is the work expected to start/finish? (losing more than 1 school year is a huge concern)
Questions In terms of selecting the replacement school, how will this decision be made? Will there be any input from parents? When is the decision expected to be made? What repairs are needed, and what repairs will be done, for the replacement school? Have any important issues been identified with the replacement school (in terms of repairs, layout, anything which will impact the safety and education of the kids)?
Questions If parents withdraw their children from the school will there be changes to our staffing. How will we be informed of the decisions if they are not made today? How will we find out about bussing?