Academic Programs
Nick Bernard & Laura Ismalji (Captains), Houston Visconti, Gabe Bingham, Cameron Victor, Jack Powell, Nigh Herndon MVP – Jack Powell
Wyatt Evans (Captain), Eston Blair, Max Griffin, Kate Grundy, Kyle Wheeler, Alex Moore MVP – Wyatt Evans
Matt Goldsmith, Stephen Duke, Wyatt Evans (Captain), Peter Simmons, Trevor Snapp, Lota Ezenwa, Madison Moseley, Rachel Leland, Autumn McBride MVP – Peter Simmons
Music Oklahoma Choral Directors Association (OCDA): Junior High All-State Chorus: Eston Blair
Oklahoma Music Educators Association (OMEA): Senior High All-State Chorus: Emily Meador
District Solo & Ensemble Contest: Superior Solo: Emma Copp
State Solo & Ensemble Contest: Superior Solo: Emma Copp
Adam Lawhorn Eston Blair Holden Price Mary Grace Stewart Mariah Rubino Emma Copp Cara Greenwell Caitlin Gibbons Ensemble Members – Two Superior Ensembles
Casey Martin Megan Ramos Jenna Henderson MIchaela Gulasy Anne DeLong Lauren Borochoff Meredith Crouch Sarah Bannon Ensemble Members – Two Superior Ensembles
Named to the Regional All Star Cast: Max Sanders Nick Lutke Ericka King Emma Copp Regional Champions! 2013 Competitive One Act Play
Named to the All State Cast: Max Sanders Ericka King Cara Greenwell Placed 3 rd at State 2013 Competitive One Act Play
Chris Cargill Emma Copp Caitlin Gibbons Cara Greenwell Ericka King Nick Lutke Max Sanders Sydney Turner CAS T 2013 Competitive One Act Play
Audra Brulc Jessie Butchee Amanda Ellingson Kathleen Gathright Claire Hudak Adam Lawhorn Emily Sanderlin Jacob Smith Mackenzie Staurovsky Meredith Veit Sam Wrinkle CRE W 2013 Competitive One Act Play
Emily Othon, Nick Bernard, Matt Bloomfield, Kelsey Guess, Read Hanisch, David Hayes, Brian Lybarger, Nathan Major
Kelsey Ritchie– State Champion Kathleen Gathright– 5th Place Kelsey Ritchie, Audra Brulc, Kathleen Gathright, Nik Scott, Caitlin Stillson, Ryann Alonso Audra Brulc– 3rd Place Nik Scott
Patrick McDonald, Matt Hanisch, Michael Gathright, Monica Ha Matt Hanisch, Monica Ha
Max Sanders – 4 th Place Nik Scott, Max Sanders, Emily Sanderlin, Eston Blair, Nick Lutke, Meredith Veit Nik Scott – 6 th Place Emily Sanderlin
Max Sanders Max Sanders – 4 th Place
Emily Sanderlin, Nik Scott, Caitlin Stillson, Adam Lawhorn, Cara Greenwell, Kathleen Gathright, Emily Othon, Amanda Ellingson Emily Sanderlin – 5 th Place Adam Lawhorn Cara Greenwell
Taylor King, Brenda Rich, Monica Ha, Matt Hansich Taylor King Monica Ha
Audra Brulc, Steve Duke, Matt Marra, Emma Francois, Eston Blair Steve Duke – 2nd Audra Brulc – State Champion Emma Francois
Kelsey Ritchie, Peter Simmons, Lota Ezenwa, Gabe Dowdell Kelsey Ritchie - State Champion Peter Simmons – 5 th Place Lota Ezenwa
Emily Sanderlin, Emma Copp, Meredith Veit, Claire Hudak, Kathleen Gathright, Hannah Stephan Emily Sanderlin Emma Copp
Emma Copp & Caitlin Gibbons – State Champions Emma Copp & Caitlin Gibbons Meredith Veit & Max Sanders
Adam Lawhorn & Cara Greenwell Claire Hudak & Amanda Ellingson Emma Copp & Caitlin Gibbons Adam Lawhorn & Cara GreenwelL Claire Hudak & Amanda Ellingson Emma Copp & Caitlyn Gibbons
Lincoln-Douglas debate Audra Brulc – 3 rd Place Steve Duke – 4 th Place Kelsey Ritchie – 6 th Place S teve Duke, Audra Brulc, Kelsey Ritchie, Peter Simmons, Emily Othon, Andrew Wood
Policy (CX) debate Matt Marra & Emma Francois Alex Moore & Ryann Alonso Katherine DeAngelis, Shannon Ellingson,& Taylor Roepke Ryann Alonso & alex Moore –4 th Emma Francois & Matt Marra – 1 st
National forensic League National Qualifiers (Birmingham, June 2013) Kelsey Ritchie Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking Steve Duke Lincoln Douglas Debate Peter Simmons Lincoln Douglas Debate
National forensic League National Qualifiers (Birmingham, June 2013) Audra Brulc Original Oratory Matt Marra & Emma Francois Policy Debate
Speech & Debate State Placings Sweepstakes – 1st Academic Award (3.938 GPA) – 1st Regional Champions 17 th Year in a Row! State Champions